Location: Continent of Davania, on coast of Sea of Dread
Area: Approx. 550 sq. mi. (1,238 sq. km.)
Population: 20,000 (around 2,000 live in scattered farmsoutside the city).
Languages: Hulean (Garganin dialect).
Coinage: Lira (gp), kurat (sp), piastre (cp).
Taxes: Citizens have their total worth assessed every year,
and are taxed 20% of that amount.
Government Type: Monarchy.
Industries: Agriculture (wheat and vegetables), crafts,fishing, and sheep.
Important Figures: Mehmet II (Baron, human, male, F7), Kemal
(Dockwarden, human, male, no class).
Flora and Fauna: The city of Garganin sits upon the fertile
Garganin Grasslands, whose rich black soils yield bountiful crops
year after year. Along with the typical crops found on the
numerous farms scattered about the city, passers-by will notice
many varieties of wildflowers and shrubs dotting the great
expanses of flatlands. One can also find the occasional stand of
oak trees as well, though these are scarce in the immediate area
of Garganin. The frequent rainfalls year-round ensure that the
flora is almost always luscious.
The animals one is likely to encounter here include all manner
of grasslands wildlife, such as falcons, field mice, gazelles,
gophers, hawks, leopards, salamanders, snakes, and wild horses.
Also present in this region are scattered tribes of gnolls,
goblins, and orcs, and the occasional griffon, though these tend
to be found in the hills farther south, where the terrain is more
suitable for nest-building.
Further Reading: AC 1012 - Poor Wizard's Almanac 2, AC 1013 -
Poor Wizard's Almanac 3, and Champions of Mystara box set.
Description: by Marina Takanitas
I had the opportunity to venture to Garganin not long after accepting an offer from Joshuan to cover affairs as they transpire on Davania. I am a Kastelian, and Garganin is the closest large settlement to my home. My family routinely does business with the traders of Garganin, so the trade road to this city is not strange to me.
The weather is always fair here, with breezes from the sea constantly blowing in from the north, literally blanketing the city with the salty tang of sea air. The city itself is fairly large considering its population; it is the same size as Kastelios, yet my city has 5000 more people. Of course, the answer is clear once you enter any of Garganin's three gates - the buildings are low and expansive, with many having tiny vegetable gardens running along their sides and back. Once inside, though, it becomes clear that much of this city is taken up not by residential quarters; there are countless temples, shrines, and public buildings scattered within the city walls. Another thing you will notice is that Garganin is clean; it is forbidden, by order of Baron Mehmet, to leave garbage in the streets in public view. People will regularly come by and sweep the streets themselves with wide brooms, and every piece of litter is gathered up and carted away to be burned.
I have been to the city many times, and I have done business with the same people, but they still insist on going through a ritual of coffee-drinking, during which no one may speak. It seems that "Garganinese", as the residents call themselves, strongly believe in formality and established traditions. Nothing is acceptable unless it has an established way of being done, and even then the prescribed ways of doing things must be followed. Even the way in which people socialize in the streets has a series of informal rules. Always use your right hand when touching others or eating. Never turn your back to another person. If offered a gift, politely decline and later offer a gift to the giver, when both of you can then exchange gifts properly. It is a good idea for any venturing to this city to learn the customs quickly - otherwise they will risk offending their hosts! Perhaps what is most bizarre about these people is that in many cases, they have long forgotten the original reasons for their customs and traditions; they follow them regardless. Generally speaking, the Garganinese prefer not to deal with outsiders.
This is not because they despise foreigners; the people of Garganin simply do not wish to mix with others. Theirs is a history of freedom and relative isolation, and they are content with this. Visitors to the city will be directed to the Foreign Quarter, a collection of tiny buildings along the docks where all non-Garganinese can sleep and eat. Foreigners are forbidden from leaving the Foreign Quarter after sundown. Those that do so are immediately expelled from the city, and forbidden from returning for 10 years.
The people of Garganin are related to those of far-off Hule, though one would not know this by looking at them! I have been told by sailors from Yavdlom that the Huleans worship an Immortal named Bozdogan, who preaches deceit and conquest. Though I have seen some temples to this Immortal, many more are devoted to Halav, Petra, Zirchev, Protius, and Asterius. I have always found the Garganinese to be scrupulously honest, and interested only in what goes on in their own city.
Over time, the Garganinese began interacting with the Milenian City-States, especially Kastelios. The Immortals worshiped in Kastelios began to attract adherents in Garganin, who were beginning to see that Bozdogan was not looking after them. Today, there are more worshipers of these other Immortals than of Bozdogan, whose following continues to shrink.
By AC 950, Garganin was much like it is today, a city filled with people of Hulean descent, but sharing next to nothing in terms of culture and religion. Many of their customs, such as coffee-sharing, have their origin in Hule, though the reasons for them are long-forgotten.
Another place to visit is the Great Market, where merchants from Kastelios, Kalavronti, Yavdlom, and occasionally Sind and Minrothad hawk their wares to passers-by. Though the locals do not wish to have extended contact with foreigners, they are not reluctant in the least to obtain foreign goods such as spices, precious and common metals, and wood.
Another place of interest is the Baron's Palace. In form it greatly resembles the palaces described by travelers who have ventured to Hule, with its graceful towers, domes, and curves. Baron Mehmet himself has opened part of his palace to the public, so that they may gaze upon and admire the rich carpets and adornments found throughout. For those interested in Hulean architecture, Garganin presents a much safer alternative than going to Hule itself.
Location: Continent of Davania, on coast of Sea of Dread.
Area: approx. 600 sq. mi. (1350 sq. km.)
Population: 25,000 (another 5,000 live in satellite villages
and in the countryside).
Languages: Milenian (Kastelian dialect).
Coinage: Sun (gp), moon (sp), and heart (cp).
Taxes: All citizens pay 15% of their earnings twice per year
(Klarmont 28 and Kaldmont 28), as well as 7% of the assessed
value of their land once per year (Kaldmont 28).
Government Type: Democracy (citizens elect the town council,
who then elect a spokesperson to guide discussions).
Industries: Agriculture (primarily wheat and corn), cattle,
crafts, fishing, sheep, shipbuilding.
Important Figures: Benji Trumblehorn (shop owner, halfling,
male, no class), Marina Takanitas (experienced trader, human,
female, no class), and Xenthos Sarantakos (Council Spokesman,
human, male, no class).
Flora and Fauna: The plant life present in Kastelios is
atypical for the region, due to human intervention. Where there
should be water grasses, reeds, mangroves, and bogs one finds
instead grasses, bushes, and trees - such as cypress, oak, and
pine. Many flowering plants are also in abundance, such as
daffodils, orchids, and tulips.
The original animal life that was present here consisted of alligators, various amphibians, and water birds such as flamingosand spoonbills.
Due to the draining of the swamps, these have been forced
north and south into the remaining swamplands. In their place
have come the animals that the Milenians brought with them -
primarily domesticated animals such as cats, cattle, dogs, pigs,
and sheep. Also present are bobcats and wild boars. Kastelios
is fortunate enough to be "monster-free", though this does not
prevent the occasional sighting of blink dogs, displacer beasts,
goblins, hippogriffs, orcs, and trolls (especially near the
swamps in the latter case).
Further Reading: AC1011 - Poor Wizard's Almanac 2, AC1012 -
Poor Wizard's Almanac 3, and Champions of Mystara box set.
Description: by Marina Takanitas
It is with great pride that I share with you, gentle reader, all that I can say of my home in a few scant pages! Ours is a city that is truly the gateway to Davania, perhaps rivalling even Raven Scarp in the Thyatian Hinterlands. Regardless, I have only what I see with my own eyes to show me that Kastelios is leading the way in opening ties with the outside world. My city has changed so much during my twenty-two years of life, I can hardly say whether it has been a dream, and just as much it is difficult to know where to begin...
Kastelios is itself broken into four pieces, though all of these are encircled by the city walls, and all sections are linked through the sewers and by ornate stone bridges. The smallest section consists of Uripidos Island, a triangular island bounded on the west by a section of city wall, and on the northeast and southeast by The Fork, which flows from the junction of the Amoros and Vasilios rivers towards the Serpent Strait, and the Sea of Dread. Uripidos Island holds the Docksides - the roughest part of Kastelios. Along both sides of The Fork are numerous docks and quays, which service the many ships entering and leaving Kastelios.
The second piece is called Northside; it is bounded along the south by the northern half of The Fork, and by the Amoros river, which, along with the Vasilios river, meet and then divide into The Fork before flowing into the sea. Northside is bounded with city wall along the north, and it has the Garganin Gate - the road from here leads straight to that city. This part of Kastelios has many warehouses and businesses, as well as some residences towards the eastern end. The Great Market, and The Ruins, are in this part of the city.
The third section is called Southside; it runs south of the southern half of The Fork, and is bounded to the northeast by the Vasilios river. The south is guarded by the city wall, in which is the southern gate of Kastelios, called the Telosian Gate. The main road from here leads to the town of Telos Takesidhi. This section of Kastelios contains the Gymnasium, many small temples and residences, fine statues, as well as numerous pillared streets.
The last section is called the Old City. It is bounded on the east and southeast by city walls, on the north by the Amoros river, and on the west by the Vasilios river. This section contains the Great Temple of Halav, the Public Forum, the House of Antiquities, and many upscale residences. This section is the oldest part of Kastelios, and it survived the collapse of the empire relatively intact.
Due to its proximity to the Sea of Dread, Kastelios is blessed with a mild climate - the temperatures are never so extreme as those that can be experienced even a couple of miles inland. Also, cool breezes blow in from the east and north almost constantly, making the city a very pleasant place to live.
Our dialect of the Milenian tongue is said to be the closest in form to that spoken by our people when the Milenian Empire was strong. Whether this is true or not may never be known, but one need only spend a day with us to learn what it is to be truly Milenian!
Unlike many of the other city-states, for example, Kastelios still follows the democratic principles of our ancestors. All citizens of Kastelios elect their representatives to the city council, who in turn elect a spokesperson - one who moderates council debates and represents the city to the outside world. We also regularly hold athletic games of skill, where adventurous souls may prove their mettle at wrestling, running, diskos throwing, and other events. These tend to draw great crowds, and are never dull to watch. Our people also have a deep respect for knowledge - those who are experts in philosophy or other arts are encouraged to share what they know of our world, and to debate with others. Such competition, both mental and physical, enriches our people, and allows us to be the best we can be.
My people are kind, and are always open to new ideas. This is why we are so eagerly opening up to the northern countries - so that knowledge and culture may be exchanged, and with them the forging of deep ties may come to pass. The people of Kastelios are also brave; we do not fear what lies across the sea, nor are we afraid to test ourselves. In doing so we become stronger, and we are able to broaden our horizons.
This, gentle readers, is what awaits you should you come to Kastelios. On behalf of my city, I bid you come experience what we have to offer - the memories alone will be well worth the voyage!
Within a few years, the swamps were successfully drained by engineers, revealing rich loamy soil that yielded bountiful crops. Tiberios Andrasos, who led the expedition, decreed that at the very junction of the river systems a great port city would arise. So it was that Kastelios was founded on that spot.
The settlement grew quickly, and as time passed, more swamplands were drained to accommodate the need for more farmlands. Eventually, an area 15 miles across, with Kastelios at its center, was drained. Many homesteads and villages cropped up in this territory, all under the jurisdiction of Kastelios. By BC 150, Kastelios was a sprawling city of 60,000, with great aqueducts, statuary, and paved boulevard leading from the sea to the inland territories of the empire. By this time, the Milenian Empire had largely retreated inland, except for this one city, its one great port. Many Milenians who left Davania in search of new lands passed through Kastelios, and so this city was also seen as a springboard to adventure and new lives elsewhere.
This era, which modern Kastelians call their Age of Joy, came to an end in BC 30, when the region fell into civil war and anarchy during the collapse of the Milenian Empire. Marauding soldiers and barbarians, some possibly from the modern Thyatian Hinterlands, passed through Greater Kastelios several times, looting and burning as they went. The city militia managed to fight off the worst of the incursions, but the damage had been done. What was once a beautiful city of 60,000 was now a third in ruins, with only 10,000 people within its shattered walls. Most of the citizens fled during the chaos, though few returned.
The true spirit of the people showed through in the aftermath. Realizing that they could only depend on themselves for survival, the survivors banded together, and elected a council to lead them in the times ahead. A spokesperson was elected by the council to ensure that discussions would not degenerate into petty rivalries, and that survival and the common good remained priorities. This system of leadership was quite similar to the old governmental system of the empire before it fell into decadence, and it has remained in place ever since.
The Kastelians also kept in mind what made them great in the first place - a willingness to persist, reverence for their Immortals, and openness to new ideas combined with a respect for tradition. Thus, the old Milenian ways were maintained and enshrined, and with them remained reverence for the traditional Immortals of the Milenians. Since they had not fared so poorly in relation to other cities, the Kastelians kept their faith, and they were able to draw on the knowledge of their forefathers to rebuild their city. The people of Yavdlom also played and important role in Kastelios' regrowth. They brought in food when it was needed, and helped the Kastelians repulse invaders during those first difficult years. Because of this, a close relationship has existed between the two nations ever since.
By AC 300, Kastelios was once again a beautiful city. The population had slowly grown to 15,000, and the vast majority of the buildings had been rebuilt and restored. New buildings were also built in the old style, but newer techniques were used as people uncovered new ideas over the years. The villages of Phossos and Kantrios had sprung up in the periphery, and these were added to the growing city-state. Looking at the city at this time, one would never had guessed that it suffered any damage during the collapse of the empire.
Today, Kastelios has some 30,000 people living within its territory, and it is continuing to grow in leaps and bounds. Though there have been some setbacks over the years, Kastelios has emerged from the collapse of the Milenian Empire as one of the few city-states that actually came out reasonably intact, andflourished.
Another sight worth seeing is the Great Temple of Halav! This structure has remained undamaged since its construction in BC 250, and daily services in honor of this Immortal have never been interrupted or stopped for any reason since that time. Elegant white columns, with a massive red slate roof, encircle and cover the temple itself. Inside the temple is one large room, dominated by an immense altar - reputedly made from a single piece of quartz! Regardless, the intricate carvings depicting the great deeds of Halav and His many heroes are truly inspiringto the observer.
The Gymnasium is where all sporting events in Kastelios take place. A running track encircles a modest rectangular building, in which are baths, supply rooms, and indoor recreation areas. At least twice a year the city holds great athletic events here for all to see, where events such as running, diskos throwing, archery, and wrestling are held.
For those seeking necessities or luxuries, the Great Market is the place to go. Here one may find traders from places such as Yavdlom, Kalavronti, Ilioloosti, Hrissopoli, Sind, and increasingly Minrothad, Ierendi, Darokin, and Thyatis. Whether you seek common foodstuffs, weapons, or other goods, or more exotic items from deeper within the continent, this is the place to find them. The Great Market is increasingly becoming a meeting place for people of different cultures, too. It is no longer unusual to see adventurers come off the boats, and meet locals here to hire out as guides.
Of course, a visit to Kastelios would never be complete without a thorough tour of the many public baths, small temples, bridges, public buildings, theaters, and other reminders of this city's Milenian heritage. Graceful columns, imposing statues, and paved streets all date from the Milenian Empire, and everything from that time has been well maintained. It is also interesting to compare the different building styles through the ages, for, while the basic Milenian building patterns have been maintained, different architects added unique elements of their own.
Another thing worth seeing is something in Northside called The Ruins. This is a collection of rubble and half-collapsed walls that stood here even before the Milenians first came to the area. No one knows who built them, or what purpose they served, but they serve as an interesting attraction, none the less.
Finally, anyone wishing to learn more of the old Milenian Empire need only stop at the House of Antiquities. Here, proprietress Helena Demetrina has painstakingly collected, catalogued, and restored thousands of relics dating from the days of the empire. Tiny amphorae sit with statuettes on the many shelves in this building, while mosaics grace the walls and floors. Helena has also collected a large number of scrolls during her adventuring days, and she is more than happy to share them with visitors. Truly a treasure trove of history!
Location: Continent of Davania, eastern Meghala Kimata Plains.
Area: approx. 336 sq. mi. (756 sq. km.)
Population: 8,400 (includes 300 Heldannic Knights), approx.
1,500 in the countryside.
Languages: Milenian (Polakatsikan dialect), Heldannic, Thyatian Common (Hattian dialect). Thyatian is the official language.
Coinage: Groschen (5 gp), gelder (gp), erzer (ep), markschen
(sp), and fenneg (cp). All other coins are illegal.
Taxes: Every citizen's worth is assessed annually, and is
taxed at a rate of 20%.
Government Type: Currently occupied by the Heldannic
Knights, although the local Council has some power.
Industries: Agriculture (mainly wheat, potatoes, and other
vegetables), cattle, crafts, sheep, smithing.
Important Figures: Chancellor-Warlord Wolfgang Stemmel (human,
male, P13 of Vanya) and Trimos Sortiropolis (human, male).
Flora and Fauna: The plant life that is to be found here is
typical of that in subtropical plains. One can find sturdy
grasses of all forms (including the more exotic types - such as
grab grass), as well as bushes and shrubs, and occasional stands
of cypress and other tropical trees.
The animal life is no less typical. Here one may find all forms of birds, including vultures, co-existing with antelopes, boars, elephants, gazelles, giraffes, hyaenas, lions, monkeys, snakes, and wild horses.
Among the more exotic animals to be found here are blink dogs, the occasional chimera, displacer beasts, and purple worms (though these are thankfully rare)
Description: by Friedrich von Eisendorf, servant of Her Glorious Lady Vanya.
In the 1015th year after the crowning of the first emperor of Thyatis, the mighty armies of Vanya plunged their swords deep into Davania, and struck a death blow against the people who caused our Patroness much grief in life - the Milenians! We were commissioned by Vanya Herself to prove our devotion by conquering land in the heart of the continent, and by defeating a people She has long disliked. Although outnumbered, our superior arms, armor, and training won the day against the defenders of the town of Polakatsikes. The town has been added to the Heldannic Territories, and is henceforth the Heldannic Dominion of Polakatsikes!
They have a surprisingly structured society for such an isolated people - every citizen of the town has a specific profession, and there is a definite hierarchy in their society, such that the town leaders, the generals, and the most skilled craftspeople carry the most influence.
Still, this system makes for mob rule; their town council was little more than an arena for shouting matches when we arrived, and I am surprised they managed to agree with each other long enough to resist us as long as they did. Be that as it may, our form of government for the town, under the wise leadership of Templar Wolfgang Stemmel, and in co-operation with Trimos Sortiropolis, the original town council leader, is not oppressive for them. I have heard of no complaints.
These people, despite their heritage, have little regard for history.
Most of them are concerned with everyday survival, and there are too many pressing concerns to worry too much about where one comes from and how one's heritage affects current events. They maintain their buildings, they speak their language, and follow some of their ancient customs and celebrations, but little more. They simply do not have the time or the energy to devote to rebuilding Milenian culture. This is just as well for us, as it would make them rather difficult to rule if they were prone to romanticizing their past, but I digress.
Despite their shortcomings, the Polakatsikans are a very independent-minded and steadfast people. They have always had to depend on themselves for survival, and judging from the town itself, they had done admirably. They are quite disciplined and organized, and seem to be receptive of outside ideas, especially if they prove themselves to be better than those that currently exist.
The only outsiders who managed to conquer this town to date have been the Heldannic Knights. The fact that the town is no longer independent has shocked all but the most stalwart citizens of this tiny land, making resistance in the near future improbable. Some of the town's youth have become enamored by the novelty of the Knights, and some have begun to emulate them to a degree.
Finally, the professional displays of martial skill on the part of the Heldannic Knights stationed here are always a sight worth seeing. Every day there is a parade in front of the Town Forum, with shining swords and armor flashing, and banners billowing proudly. Some of the locals have come to watch these soldiers from a far off land display their prowess, and have always walked away impressed.
Location: Continent of Davania, eastern coast by Gulf of Mar.
Area: 48 sq. mi. (108 sq. km.)
Population: 4,000 (does not include around 500 farmers
supplementing local rations).
Languages: Heldannic, Thyatian Common (Hattian dialect).
Thyatian is the official language.
Coinage: Groschen (5 gp), gelder (gp), erzer (ep), markschen
(sp), and fenneg (cp).
Taxes: None.
Government Type: Military Dictatorship.
Industries: War, some agriculture (mainly grains and vegetables).
Important Figures: Governor-General Heinz Kronenburg (human,
male, P15 of Vanya).
Flora and Fauna: The vegetation found around Vanya's Rest is
typical of that in a damp coastal region. Along the cliffs there
are numerous forms of mosses and hardy grasses, while further
inland the grasses tend to predominate, with the occasional
gnarled bush breaking the undulating fields. No trees can grow
here - the winds would likely blow them over near the coast, and
the soils are too poor to nourish them further inland.
The animals found here are just as hardy as the plant life.
Gulls and other sea birds nest among the cliffs, managing to feed
themselves by catching fish in the Gulf. Also present in the
cliffs are various rodents who feed off of the eggs of the
various birds. Further inland one can find foxes, groundhogs,
numerous kinds of insects, rabbits, and the occasional snake.
Some giant spiders are known to inhabit the region, and in the
lower levels of the fort it is possible to find giant rats.
Further Reading: Voyage of the Princess Ark, Part ? (in Dragon
Magazine, month, year).
Description: by Friedrich von Eisendorf, servant of HerGlorious Lady Vanya.
As Adjutant to His Most Exalted Templar, Herr Kronenburg, it is my pleasure and my honor to be able to serve Vanya at this fortress - Vanya's Rest. Only the elite of the Heldannic Order are ever permitted to serve here, charged as they are with guarding the remains of our Patroness Herself! Recent developments have also allowed us to take on another duty, that of expanding our domains on this continent for the greater glory of Vanya!
The fort itself is built atop the highest of the cliffs, such that we have a commanding view of the countryside and the Gulf in all directions. Due west of the fort, no more than two or three miles distant, lie several small farms, tended by eager colonists. The soils here are relatively poor, but over time good crops have been coaxed from the reluctant earth. These souls assist in supplying the Knights, who would otherwise have to rely totally on supplies brought from home.
When there is little action, many Knights will assist the farmers in harvesting and sowing, as it is in everyone's interest that there be enough food for everyone.
This place in question lies in Davania, on the coast of the Gulf of Mar.
The boldest and most pious, eager to prove their worth to Vanya, and to show respect for Her mortal remains, made a great pilgrimage to that region, as foretold in a dream. They landed after weeks of sailing, and as one force, they stormed the shores, only to find a small settlement, populated by indigenous human descended from the Milenians.
These people were driven out, their village destroyed, and the entire region was searched until the remains of Vanya were found. The savage, known as the Meghaddara, were forced to wander the Meghales Amosses Desert and the Aryptian Savannah in search of a new home - and have been the sworn enemies of the Heldannic Knights ever since.
The remains were then reverently placed under a stone cairn, upon which was built the great fortress now known as Vanya's Rest. Once the fort was complete, in 935 AC, Vanya visited Her faithful and told them they had done well, and secured her rest from unbelievers. She then told them that they had to marshal their forces, and return to Hattias, there to bring all who were true to Vanya's Path to the ultimate victory, a home of their own. Most of the Heldannic Knights, as they began to call themselves, returned to Hattias, but they left behind a garrison of elite soldiers to guard the fort.
The outer walls themselves are at least 1,5 meters (five feet) thick, and are 9 meters (thirty feet) in height. At regular intervals along the walls are stout square towers, each mounted with heavy catapults and ballistae. Finally, the most breathtaking structure within the fort is the Great Cathedral, which houses Vanya's remains and is decorated by stained glass windows, numerous sculptures, and tall archways, all in a gothic style.