Location: East of Gulf of Hule, north of Cimarron, south of
Gargona, west of el Grande Carrascal wildlands.
Area: 6,450 sq. mi.
Population: 7,000, including 4,200 in the capital Ciudad
Tejillas. Roughly 92% human, 5% elves, 3% half-elves.
Languages: Slag Common (Ispan Dialect).
Coinage: Oro (gp), dies (sp), centa (cp).
Government Type: Fuedal, part of the Treaty of
Tampico and Member-State of the Signatory Council.
Industries: Mining (silver), coffee, tobacco, furniture,jewlery.
Important Figures: Baron Maximilio de Almarron y Escudor
(baron, human, male, F9), Don Esteban "El Salvador" (ex-dictator,
human, male, F13).
Flora and Fauna: Standard for its warm temperate/subtropical
climate, including kudzu, tomatoes, potatoes, maize, plains
grasses, deer, alligators, armadillos, prairie dogs, turkeys, and
eagles. Dangerous monsters include gnoll raiders from El Grande
Carrascal. Normal animals or plants with Legacies can also be very dangerous.
Further Reading: The Savage Coast online document, The Savage Baronies RS Boxed Set.
Description: by Rikard Prospero
Almarron is a small nation that is part of Savage Baronies. Collectively called the Guardianos, because they guard the rest of the Savage Coast from Hule, the people of the baronies are well respected by the other nations, even though there is hardly any contact between them.
A large fertile plain, fed by the Sierra Borgosa, occupies the heart of the nation. This is where the majority of the population lives, in three main villages (Costella, Paso Dorado, and Ciudad Tejillas) and several scattered homesteads.
Forested slopes and cliffs guard Almarron's shores, protecting the nation from pirates and sea raiders.
Located at the mouth of the Sierra Borgosa, Ciudad Tejilla - the capital - is a center for commerce and education for the nation. This town is rather lively thanks to the numerous celebrations thrown by the Baron. It is filled with good taverns and inns and even has a theater and a museum. While the hardworking attitude of the commoners gives quiet and peaceful days, the boisterous lifestyles of the local swashbucklers makes for an exciting nightlife. Despite this, the town is fairly safe - adventurers who live in Ciudad Tejillas are protective of its people and its reputation.
The Afflicted within Almarron's border are well treated by friends and families, and they suffer little prejudice from others. Most Almarronians view the Red Curse as something that will affect others and simply ignore it in their everyday lives.
The people of Almarron have gone through so many forms of government, that they no longer care about politics and would rather be left alone and leave running the nation to the Baron. So far, the current Baron seems to have won their respect and has slowly begun to enlighten his nation into a cultural center.
More so than elsewhere, Almarronians enjoy their freedom, having lost it several times. Swashbucklers and local heroes who fought against the tyrant Don Esteban are very common among them. The continuous wars and revolts have left most families relatively poor. Luckily, Baron Maximilio provides priests and cinnabryl for those who cannot afford it, keeping the number of Afflicted very low.
Finally, the use of Torreon mercenaries by Don Esteban during the war has left a bad feelings toward Torreoners among most ofthe populace.
In AC 1006, Almarron sided against Narvaez during the Inquisition Wars. The wars end when the baronies united to fight off Hule. The next year, the gnolls of El Grande Carrascal took advantage of Almarron's weakened state and staged an invasion. They are routed by the end of the year, but only after destroying Castillo de Tordegena.
By next year, AC 1008, rebels finally ousted Don Esteban thanks to many troubles the land has had during the past few years. The people decided to return to the traditional nobility rulership rather than allow another tyrant to take power. Hence, Maximilio, the only living descendant of the former noble rulers from long ago, was name Baron Maximilio de AlmarrĒn y Escudor.
In AC 1009, the Red Curse, which was centered in a few locations just outside the Savage Baronies, mysteriously spreaded during the Week Without Magic and covers most of the Savage Coast, including all the Savage Baronies. The people must soon learn to cope with outbreaks of the Red Curse and the creation of new Afflicted. Most nobles scramble to find priests or cinnabryl to help their people, and Inheritors make themselves public to better spread their stored cinnabryl.
In AC 1010, many believed that miners had discovered the Mannequin of Ixion, the legendary Oltec artifact which would prevent any army in the world from invading the nation. It turned out to be nothing more than a "Black Vessel" for a deadly creature. Still, events during this time caused the death of Maximilio's Honorbound leader, as well as the resignation of Costa, the honorbound who would have replaced him. [Those desiring more information are referred to the novel "The Black Vessel." Ed.]
Since then, rumors of an impending attack from Don Esteban's forces have been running rampant, but no such attack has yet occurred.
Location: West of Gulf of Hule, southern edge of the coast,south of Almarron.
Area: 7,984 sq. mi.
Population: 18,000, including 11,500 in Smokestone City. Roughly 60% human, 25% dwarves, 10% halflings (stouts), and 5% tortles.
Languages: Slag (Common).
Coinage: Oro (gp), medio (ep), dies (sp) and centa (cp).
Taxes: 15% income tax, 10% sales tax in taverns, and 10%
inheritance tax which includes money made by gambling.
Government Type: Baronial, part of the Treaty of
Tampico and member of the Signatory Council.
Industries: Mining (cinnabryl), production of smokepowder and
wheellocks (and snaplocks), ale, saloons, gambling.
Important Figures: Sir John of the Wain, Duke of Cimarron
(count, human, male, Pa15).
Flora and Fauna: Standard for its warm temperate/subtropical
climate, including kudzu, tomatoes, potatoes, maize, plains
grasses, deer, armadillos, prairie dogs, turkeys, and eagles.
Dangerous monsters include goblin and gnoll hordes found scattered
throughout the Bushwack Prairie and El Grande Carrascal. Normal
animals with Legacies can also be very dangerous.
Further Reading: Voyage of the Princess Ark: The Shootout at
South Gulch, in the Champions of Mystara box set, The Savage Baronies Red Steel Boxed Set. Also, the Savage Coast online document.
Description: by Rikard Prospero
Cimmaron is a small county that is part of Savage Baronies, despite the fact that they call their ruler a duke. Collectively called the Guardianos, because they guard the rest of the Savage Coast from Hule, the people of the baronies are well respected by the other nations, even though there is hardly any contactbetween them.
Smokestone City is known for its saloons and gambling halls, as well as the rowdy crowds such establishments attract. Most halflings of Cimarron live in Smokestone City. Old Fort is a town built atop an old Thyatian colonial fort from long ago.
Afflicted in Cimarron are often ignored by the upper class who can afford cinnabryl or priestly protection. Because of this, they tend to form their own little enclaves isolated from the normal unafflicted people.
Cimarron is well known for its rowdy gauchos and the fact that almost everyone carries a wheellock pistol. The inhabitants are fiercely independent and prefer to let everyone to take care of themselves and not get involved in other people's business.
Cimarrons are proud of their national trade guild, known as the LB Trading Company. Although there is no relation between the LB Trading Company and the government of Cimarron, most people, especially non-Cimarrons think the two are indeed working together. This company is responsible for exporting the nation's smokepowder and wheellocks, while importing much needed food.
The LB Trading Company has made several outposts throughout the Savage Coast, including the towns of Dunwick (near Renardy) and Richland (near the Orc Head's Peninsula), and most other nations consider these outpost cities as colonies of Cimarron, which is a logical conclusion since most fo the humans in these towns are from Cimarron.
Finally, in AC 980, the rebel General Cimarron lead his people to victory and Nueva Esperanza declared its independence, again, from Almarron. His success was due mainly to the secret production of wheellock pistols and smokepowder, as well as Almarron preoccupation with trying to invade Gargona. The new nation called itself Cimarron County, and Nueva Esperanza was renamed to Smokestone City. In AC 990, Cimarron ratified the treaty of Tampicos and was accepted by the other nations.
Cimarron fought against Narvaez during the Inquisition Wars which started in AC 1006. This war ended when Hule attacked the baronies, forcing them to unite together to throw out the invaders. The gnolls of El Grande Carrascal took advantage of their weakened state and invade Cimarron as well as other Baronies in AC 1007. They were eventually routed by the end of the year, but at the cost of General Cimarron's life. His son Sir John 'of the Wain' Cimarron known to his people as "The Duke" inherited the County.
In AC 1009, the Red Curse, which was centered in a few locations just outside the Savage Baronies, but mysteriously spreaded during the Week Without Magic and now covers most of the Savage Coast, including all the Savage Baronies. The people must soon learn to cope with outbreaks of the Red Curse and the creation of new Afflicted. Most nobles scramble to find priests or cinnabryl to help their people, and Inheritors make themselves public to better spread their stored cinnabryl.
AC 1010 brought the invasion of goblinoids from the Bushwack Prairies, but again "The Duke" chased them away. In AC 1013, Cimarron agreed to sanction Narvaez and forbid its merchants or the LB Trading Company from selling smokepowder to that barony.
{oracle's commentary, for those of you who happen not to know about the evolvution of firearms. Our esteemed friend, Prospero made a mistake in naming the weapon a 'flintlock', Stephan Westron, Grandson to the Jeweler who created the Wheellock informed me that the weapon they created was a prototype of the Snaplock Pistol, and the Flintlock were only on their drawing board, Prospero must heard wrong.}
Location: West of Gulf of Hule, north of Almarron, south of
Narvaez, and east of Saragon.
Area: 7,468 sq. mi.
Population: 14,000, including 11,700 in Ciudad Real.
Languages: Slag Common (Espan Dialect).
Coinage: Real (pp), oro (gp), dies (sp) and centa (cp).
Taxes: 20% income tax, 5% sales tax.
Government Type: Baronial, part of the Treaty of
Tampico and a member of the Signatory Council.
Industries: Arts (music, poems, painting and sculptures),
diplomats and political advisers.
Important Figures: Baronesa Esperanza "La Ilustre" de Sotto y
Rivera (baroness, human, female, T12).
Flora and Fauna: Standard for its warm temperate climate,
including kudzu, tomatoes, potatoes, maize, alligators, plains
grasses, deer, armadillos, prairie dogs, turkeys, and eagles.
Dangerous monsters include various giant lizards and undead found
in the swamps of la Delta de Pozaverde. Normal animals with
Legacies can also be very dangerous.
Further Reading: The Savage Coast online document, Savage Baronies Boxed Set.
Description: by Hernando Cagliostro
Gargona is recognized as the center of culture in the Savage Baronias, a fact affirmed by the situacion [location. Ed.] de la unica universidad [unique university. Ed.] of the coast within its borders. Admission to this grande universidad is free in return for una promesa [a promise. Ed.] of future tithes to la nacion {or baronia [barony - Ed.] -Oracle}[nation. Ed.] of Gargona for the rest of your working life. Since Gargona is generally viewed as politically neutral, its renown scholars and graduates are found throughout most of las naciones [nations. Ed.] of the Savage Coast {Costa Salvage -Oracle} as advisers or teachers.
The Rio Copos crosses la baronia from west to east, and most of the towns and casas [homes. Ed.] of the people can be found along its shores. After about 15 kilometers (10 miles) from the shores, dense bosques [forests. Ed.] dominate, and they are sparsely inhabited by any locals. These bosques cover about one half of la baronia, and serve as borders with friendly Almarron and the religous fanaticos of Narvaez.
Ciudad Real is the capital of la baronia, and is located just after la Delta de Pozaverde, where el Rio Guadiana merges with el Rio Copos. Skiffs powered by oar ply the waterways of the delta, ferrying commerce to and from seagoing ships, allowing access to the lucrative sea trade.
Sotto retaliated and invaded Gargona. By AC 936, Sotto was soundly defeated and Gargona had conquered it's parent Baronia. Gargona released its claim on Sotto, and la poblacion [population. Ed.] reorganized themselves into la Estado de Almarron. In AC 977, AlmarrĒn again went on an spree of conquest. Gargona merged with la baronia de Riviera, keeping the name Gargona, and was able to repulse the invaders in AC 979.
La Baronesa Esperanza was crucial in negotiating a peace treaty with Narvaez during the war of AC 1006 so that las baronias could fight off Hule. The fact that her daughter is married to the son of the racist [this is the opinion of the correspondent. Ed.] Don Hugo of Narvaez helped in las negociaciones.
As with the entire Savage Coast, the Red Curse spreaded through Gargona in AC 1009 during the dreaded Week Without Magic.
Gargooa has thankfully agreed to las sanciones [sanctions. Ed.] of selling smokepowder to Narvaez, yet la baronesa is unfortunately trying to negotiate another solution to la problema.
Location: West of Saragon, north of El Grande Carrascal, South
and East of the Yazzak Steppes.
Area: 11,300 sq. mi.
Population: 7,500, including 6,300 in Ciudad Huelca.
Languages: Slag Common (Ispan Dialect).
Coinage: Oro (gp), dies (sp) and centa (cp).
Taxes: 25% income tax.
Government Type: baronial, part of the Treaty of
Tampico and a member of the Signatory Council.
Industries: Cattle and horses.
Important Figures: Senor Cristobal "El Barbudo" Bigotillos y
Copetez (baron, human, male, R10).
Flora and Fauna: Standard for its warm temperate climate,
including kudzu, tomatoes, potatoes, maize, plains grasses, deer,
armadillos, prairie dogs, turkeys, and eagles. Dangerous
monsters include the vast number of goblinoids that raid from the
Yazzak Steppes. Normal animals with Legacies can also be very dangerous.
Further Reading: The Savage Coast online document, The Savage Baronies boxed set.
Description: by Rikard Prospero
Scattered throughout this land are the haciendas [household. Ed.] of the various rich cattle-trading families. Only two communities exist in Guadalante, most families preferring to stay in their own fortified hacienda. Ciudad Huelca is the capital, boasting a population of just over 6000, while Dos Cabezas Hacienda is a small village of about 300. To few crafters, merchants, and laborers of the barony come from these two communities.
Guadalantans are crude ruffians who simply can not appreciate the finer things in life. Most would rather sleep on the ground, outside beneath the stars than in a warm, comfortable bed at a local inn.
In AC 992, Guadalante fought with Saragon over watering rights, but after one quick battle, the two nations came to an agreement with the Treaty of Cortesillas.
Guadalante remained quiet until AC 1006 when it joined forces with the other southern baronies to defend against Narvaez and its allies. It then joined all the baronies to repulse the invading forces of Hule.
In AC 1007, goblinoids invaded the land and caused much damage to numerous haciendas of Guadalante. Finally, in AC 1009, the week without magic released the Red Curse into the area, and people were forced to adapt to the curse by finding cinnabryl or begging priests to cast a Maintain spell on them.
Since then, Guadalante has minded its own business and been left alone by the other baronies, just as it prefers.
Location: North of the Savage Baronies and the Gulf of Hule,continent of Brun.
Area: 256,000 sq. mi. (576,000 sq. km.)
Population: 1,000,000 (roughly 65% human, 35% goblinoids -
mainly bugbears, gnolls, kobolds, orcs and ogres - and 5% demi-
human - dwarves, elves, and halflings.)
Languages: Hulean Common (several dialects).
Coinage: Lira (gp), kuru (sp) and piastre (cp).
Taxes: Net worth tax of 5% assessed every two years and an
annual 10% tithe to the Holy Men of Hule. Hule's major roads
also have toll gates every 24 miles charging 1 piastre per person
and 2 piastres per large animal.
Government Type: Hagiarchy (ruled by Holy Men).
Industries: Agriculture, textile (fine cloth, wool),
glasswork, trade, conquest.
Important Figures: The Master (The Master of Hule, presumed to
be a human, male, P20 of Bozdogan).
Flora and Fauna: Nearly every creature native to the continent
of Brun can be found in the large territories owned by Hule
Further Reading: The Savage Coast online document, X5 - The
Temple of Death, Voyage of the Princess Ark - part 20 (in Dragon Magazine #173).
Description: by Piotr Drobnjak
Hule: the land of mischief. I've not actually visited Hule yet, so this report is just the results of several weeks of research at the libraries and inns of Slagovich. I intend to visit Hule (as well as the other City-States) soon, so that I may offer you a complete report next year.
Western Hule encompasses roughly half of Niwhelm, the Dark Woods - a great oak forest still mostly primeval. The woods contain Lake Tros, also known as the Lake of the Deeps, a large (4,500 sq. mi.) and seemingly bottomless freshwater lake.
Hule is a hagiarchy, a government run by "holy men" and clergy. Any person that has been shown to be especially favored by Bozdogan may have an important role in the government, notjust his priests.
The people of Hule are divided into many classes: holy men, diviners, hermits, prophets, clergy, and commoners. Holy men are the rulers; holy men who have someone been touched by the Immortlas. Diviners are a sort of law enforcers who travel the land searching for criminals; they wear a red robe and black mask. Hermits are people who claim to have had a vision from Bozdogan, telling them to lead secluded lives in the wilderness. Prophets are people recognized for their wisdom; they travel the land and act as judges. Clerics operate the local temples and shrines; their task is to guide and instruct the people. Commoners are farmers, soldiers, crafters, merchants and so on. They're looked down upon but are considered necessary for thenation to survive.
Priests of any religion other than the official religion of Bozdogan, as well as bandits, troublemakers, and mages are considered outlaws and traitors.
The goblinoids of Hule do not fit into the above mentioned class system. All goblinoid tribes are nominally independent and treated with care and respect mainly out of fear. These tribes, however, find it very profitable to ally with the Master of Hule, the highest and most powerful of the holy men.
Demi-humans are quite rare and are objects of curiosity to the humans of Hule.
Recently, the Master of Hule sent his minions to the Great Waste to conquer the eastern lands. He gained control of Sind in AC 1005. From there, his goblinoids, janissaries [Hulean cavalry. Ed.], and Desert Nomads drove into Darokin. The armies of Darokin, Karameikos, and the Five Shires managed to drive the Desert Nomads out in AC 1006, but the Master's forces still held on to Sind.
Hule also attempted to conquer the Savage Baronies at the same time, but the baronies ended the wars between themselves and united against this common threat, forcing the Hulean forces toretreat as well.
Last year Hulean forces, mostly goblinoids, invaded and conquered the City-State of Nova Svoga. Hule is currently at peace with the nations of the Savage Coast, recovering from the last set of wars. Huleans still plot and spy, however, and minor events related to Hule occur all the time, especially in the City-States and Savage Baronies.
The Temple of Death, also known as Greatrealm, is the Master's capital city: a huge temple complex lying on the shore of Lake Tros. It lies away from the cities, and people seldom visit it. From here the Master watches his county and the progress of all his military forces. His desires are made known to the people by the Diviners or other messengers. This is a place to avoid at all costs.
Next year I plan to board a ship to Yenigaz and to Azurun. From there I'll try to reach the city of Magden in eastern Hule. Hopefully I'll return to Slagovich with my report.