FELMONT 1, AC 1015: Ten Millionth Kilogram Mined From Malabar.
Location: Gold mines to northeast of Malabar. SC
Description: Today the ten millionth kilogram of gold is mined from the mines near Malabar.
What This Means: The event does not quite get the interest it deserves owing to the fixation with the possible platinum reserves in The Pride of Gombar. Despite this, this milestone in mining is significant in that it draws more interest from the people in the surrounding area.
FELMONT 1, AC 1015: Brishnapur Honored.
Location: Mahasabad, Nagpuri, Sind. OW
Description: In a ceremony attended by most of the city, Anand Brishnapur and many other heroes of the resistance are put to rest today. The Followers of Gareth are all in attendance, and Sitara Rohini's eulogy moves everyone to tears. (See Kl. 10, Kl. 11; Fe. 8.)
What This Means: The underground has retreated once more to Nagpuri, to lay the dead to rest and regroup. The word of Anand's death has begun to spread, and rally more Sindhi to the cause of the resistance.
FELMONT 1, AC 1015: Expedition Commissioned.
Location: Darokin City, Darokin. OW
Description: In response to a growing series of attacks by creatures from the Malpheggi Swamps, the Council of Darokin today ratifies a decision to offer 10,000 daros to any adventurer or group of adventurers that can track down the source of the sudden attacks, and hopefully put a stop to them. Adventurers from all over the Old World flock to take advantage of this offer. (See Th. 8; Fe. 13.)
What This Means: Ever since the river serpent attack on Elstrich, there have been increasing attacks by monsters from the Swamp, such as the river serpents, undead, lizard men, there have even been unconfirmed reports of a dragon turtle plaguing trade in the Malpheggi Bay. The Council of Darokin is worried, and wants to put a stop to this.
What The PCs Can Do: This is a grand quest for adventurous PCs - tracking down the problem of the attacks, fighting off vicious swamp creatures... perhaps even tracing the source all the way back to the Weir of Aengmor, right in the heart of Shadow Elf territory!
FELMONT 1, AC 1015: Siege of Geron.
Location: Geron, Denagoth. NW
Description: The Elven Crusaders reach the village of Geron, built on the southernmost Denagothian border: here they meet the Shadow Army for the first time. The enemy army is composed of humans only and is ready for the battle. The siege of Geron starts. (See Kl. 2, Kl. 10; Fe. 5, Fe. 8.)
What This Means: The Shadow Army was ready for the elves because the Shadowlord has already arranged and planned for this war to be fought. He knows that Geron cannot stand against the elves, but he wants to inflict as much harm as possible to the elves and so has ordered his men to fight to death. In their blind fanaticism, they don't understand he has sentenced the whole village to death.
What The PCs Can Do: If they are with the Crusaders, there will be many things to do: sneak into the village, capture the officers, steal the defense plans and even arrange for a secret raid of the town.
FELMONT 2, AC 1015: A New Oberherr.
Location: Freiburg, Heldannic Territories. OW
Description: In a lavish ceremony within the Star Chamber, Sir Andreas von Gruber is declared the new Oberherr of the Heldannic Territories. Wulf von Klagendorf is declared a traitor to the ways of Vanya, having left his post during this time of crisis. (See Kl. 5, Kl. 10; Am. 25, Sv. 2.)
What This Means: The Heldannic Knights have been trying to
reach Wulf von Klagendorf for days, and they soon came to realize
he wasn't in Hattias visiting his family. Sir Andreas von
Gruber, the Knight in charge of Vanya's Inquisition, declared
such actions as heresy and treachery. He was quick to pull in
"favors" (some are outright blackmail) from other high ranking
Knights to have himself declared the new Oberherr. Gruber is an
ambitious and power-hungry man seeking nothing but domination of
the world in his name.
A few years ago, he put forth the idea of the Inquisition as
means of eliminating rivals. When others discovered his plot,
they quickly followed suit, and the "good" motives of the
Inquisition were quickly corrupted.
Now, with the political and religious power he has gathered,
he has finally managed to place himself in charge of an entire
FELMONT 3, AC 1015: Villa Franca Chartered to Afflicted.
Location: Boa Mansao, Texeiras. SC
Description: The ruins of Villa Franca obtains an official charter to become an Afflicted community. (See Kl. 18, Kl. 22; Fe. 13.)
What This Means: Baron Bartolomeu granted this charter for two reasons: one was to give the refugee Afflicted entering the Barony a place to go, and the other was to try and reduce their own tension with the Afflicted in the barony.
What The PCs Can Do: Perhaps they are the ones who beseeched the Baron to grant a charter to the Afflicted. If so, they are given the rulership of the land and are held responsible for bringing the ruins of Villa Franca into a thriving Afflicted community.
FELMONT 3, AC 1015: Glantri Sails the Air.
Location: Glantri City, Glantri. OW
Description: The Great School of Magic has finally finished building two skyships for Glantri. In a quick ceremony, Jaggar names them the Pegasus and the Griffon. The ships then immediately depart to help fight the Ethengarians. (See Kl. 11, Kl. 19; Fe. 6, Fe. 8.)
FELMONT 4, AC 1015: Scare in Vestland.
Location: Norrvik, Vestland. OW
Description: There is a fright among the citizens of Vestland today when King Harald Gudmundson collapses from a heart attack during a public appearance. He is rushed back to the palace, and placed into the care of the royal clerics. King Gudmundson recovers quickly, though he will be bedridden for a few days. (See Am. 11.)
What This Means: The stresses of recent years and his old age are catching up with King Gudmundson. There is much he still wishes to do in Vestland, but he realizes it is time to consider passing on the throne.
FELMONT 5, AC 1015: Geron Falls.
Location: Geron, Kingdom of Denagoth. ND
Description: The elves' superiority is overwhelming and, after only 5 days of siege, Geron surrenders. The Crusaders storm the city and kill any surviving enemy, then raze the temple of Idris and burn it to ashes together with its priests. After replenishing their supplies, the Crusaders head north leaving a small contingent of 30 elves to garrison a dead village and to inform Wendar of their success. (See Kl. 10, Fe. 1; Fe. 8, Fe. 9.)
What This Means: Geron was nothing more than a field test on
the Shadowlord's part to assess the strength of the Crusaders.
He will wait for them to be in the Great Forest of Geffron before
unleashing the power of his army upon them. On the other hand,
the elves are now excited by this sudden victory, but the
Generals Gilfronden and Durifern know that there must be
something worse awaiting them on the plateau, and try to keep the
younger soldiers focused and always alert.
Unfortunately, the elves are also a bit overzealous, hence
their burning of the priests inside the temple of Idris. The
hardships of wars also helps desensitize them towards such
What The PCs Can Do: If they are Crusaders, they can try to avoid the brutalities some elves inflict on the humans of Geron, but they won't become much popular among the elves this way.
FELMONT 5, AC 1015: Monster of the Low NACE.
Location: Bellissarian Sea and Sea of Dawn. AS
Description: A Minaean pirate, who calls himself the Monster, attacks Alphatian ships and raids coastal settlements in the southern part of the Alphatian Empire. He slaughters every last man, woman or child, steals treasures, and then sets fire to what is left and leaves. No Alphatian ship comes close to catching him, however. He is soon referred to by locals as the Monster of the Low NACE. The rare survivors from his attacks report the sight of a large, fast-moving ship of Minaean design, with a giant sea serpent carved at her prow, going by the name Nacy.
What This Means: The Monster of the Low NACE manages to escape any pursuing vessel by using a plundered magical item he calls the "Pouch of Winds." When opened, this magical pouch releases a gust of wind which dramatically increases the speed of his ship. He's also used it during combat on occasion, sending his opponents sprawling in the magical gust of wind. The powerful pouch of winds can apparently be used as often as desired. It is the first known Alphatian Artifact recovered from the sea.
FELMONT 6, AC 1015: Skullhorn Pass Camp Victorious.
Location: Skullhorn Pass Camp, Glantri. OW
Description: The Pegasus arrives at Skullhorn Pass Camp and starts bombarding the Ethengarians below. Soon enough, the horse warriors are routed and flee back to their land. The skyship stays at the camp in case the Ethengarians decide to come back this way. (See Kl. 19, Fe. 3; Fe. 8, Fe. 10.)
FELMONT 8, AC 1015: March on the Plateau Begins.
Location: Denagoth Plateau, Denagoth. NW
Description: The elves have reached the dreaded Denagoth Plateau and are now at the fringes of the enemy kingdom. The Generals decide to head immediately into the Forest of Geffron, in order to conquer it before winter comes. They don't leave any rear garrison behind to secure the communications with Wendar because they are sure they can safely survive in the enemy territory as long as they fight inside a forest (and that's what they're about to do). The Crusaders head west and enter the Great Forest of Geffron. (See Fe. 1, Fe. 5; Fe. 9, Fe. 13.)
What This Means: The Generals want the business finished before the end of the year. They know they have good chances of surviving inside Geffron even during the long icy northern winter, but they also know that their enemy is probably as well equipped and as used to surviving in the forest as they are, so they are not willing to take any risk. Drax Tallen and the Forest of Geffron must be taken in less than six months or they will be in serious troubles.
FELMONT 8, AC 1015: The Griffon Goes Down in Klantyre.
Location: Klantyre, Glantri. OW
Description: The Griffon arrives over the Principality of Klantyre. It sets about bombarding the Ethengarians. Unfortunately, the horse warriors are too scattered and too fast to be pinned down effectively. After just a few hours, the Griffon actually loses power and crashes down upon the horde below, inflicting more casualties in this method then it ever did bombarding them. (See Fe. 3, Fe. 6; Fe. 10, Fe. 23.)
What This Means: When the Ethengarians were pinned in the
mountain passes, they were sitting ducks for the skyship. Out
here on the open highlands of Klantyre, it's the complete
opposite: they have so much room to maneuver, they're extremely
hard to hit.
The Griffon crashed because of a combination of several
factors, including inexperienced crew and faulty magical
enchantments. Mages enchanting the skyship are not as
experienced as the Alphatians, and several of their castings were
faulty. The fact that they did a rush job to satisfy the
demanding Prince Jaggar only made things worse. Some fear that
the Pegasus will suffer the same fate soon enough.
FELMONT 8, AC 1015: Peshmir Speaks Out.
Location: Karakandar, Peshmir, Sind. OW
Description: In a surprising act today, the ruler of Peshmir,
Maharajah Hara Rudraksha, speaks out against the Hulean forces
still occupying Sind. He decries their presence as unwanted and
oppressive, sparking a minor revolt in the city of Karakandar
against Hulean troops.
The revolt is quickly put down, and the Maharajah's palace
placed under lockdown by the Master's troops. (See Kl. 11, Fe.
What this means: This move is testimony to the growing influence of the resistance and the Followers of Gareth. Maharajah Rudraksha came to power during the invasion of 1005 AC, when he was installed on the throne of Peshmir by his father, the rajah of Kadesh. He was long thought to be firmly under the Master's rule, but his feelings towards the resistance have grown ever since his daughter was resurrected by Sitara Rohini in 1012 AC. The death of Anand Brishnapur has greatly affected his sympathies. This is just more trouble for the Master in the north of Sind.
FELMONT 9, AC 1015: Breaking Free.
Location: Louvinees, Renardy. SC
Description: A riot breaks out in the prison of Louvines, the capital of Renardy. By the end of the day, 20 lupin prisoners flee into the city streets and have escaped the local constabulary.
What This Means: These prisoners have all been detained
because of their worship of the Immortal Pflarr, whom they
believe is the true patron of the lupin race. The clergy of the
Lupin Saimpts [Immortals. Ed.] have declared them heretics and
the local rulers have agreed with the declaration, if only to
easy the religious pressures being exerted upon them.
Worshipers of Pflarr have been gathered over the past years
and shipped out to a Renardy colony in the swamps of the Orc Head
Peninsula. There, the exiles have slowly been forming their own
"Cajun" culture.
These particular worshipers of Pflarr are not content to be
shipped out of their homes and have decided to rebel against the
FELMONT 9, AC 1015: Love Affair in Slagovich.
Location: Slagovich, City-State of Slagovich. SC
Description: Zuberi, the swetanga from Yavdlom, falls in love with Tatyana Vissarionova, distant cousin of Margrave Miosz II. Unfortunately Tatyana's father does not approve her relationship with the ebony-skinned man. (See Th. 26; Kl. 24)
What This Means: After defeating the pirates and recovering part of the cinnabryl, Zuberi has become quite famous in Slagovich. Unfortunately Tatyana's father is somewhat racist and doesn't want his daughter to marry a mere Yavdlom "sailor."
FELMONT 9, AC 1015: A Shadow Smiles.
Location: Great Forest of Geffron, Denagoth. NW
Description: The Shadowlord has heard of the approaching of the Elven Crusaders and he begins to prepare a "welcoming committee" for the elves' invasion force. Meanwhile, he has also devised a plan to obtain the Black Staff without risking too much: he will use some petty mortals as pawns in his grand scheme. (See Fe. 5, Fe. 8; Fe. 13, Fy. 1.)
What This Means: The Shadowlord is really happy this time: he has the opportunity to kill thousands of elves and to obtain the Black Staff at the same time and without making the High Priest of Idris suspect anything about his scheme. He will use some of the elves to retrieve the other keys and then dispose of them at the end of their work. However, he will have to wait for the elves to come to him first.
FELMONT 9, AC 1015: Hard Times Ahead.
Location: Scrublands between the Meghales Amosses Desert and
the Aryptian Savannah (due south of the eastern Yasuko Tribal
Lands), Davania. JC
Description: The Knights have been riding for a month over the gently-sloping Aryptian Savannah, and have come across no one since the assault by the Meghaddara. Food supplies are getting low, and many scouts have been sent out to hunt and forage. Over the past few days, the grasses have been getting sparser and shorter, and the climate more arid. This morning, on of the scouts rides into camp, and reports to Herr Wulf that a great desert lies just a few miles to the west. Wulf decides that this desert must be avoided, and he orders that the army head north, in search of better passage. (See Kl. 9, Kl. 15; Fe. 13, Fy. 13.)
What This Means: Herr Wulf's army has ridden to the easternmost fringes of the Meghales Amosses Desert. He knows that the jungles and grasslands of the Jungle Coast lie to the north, though he does not know how far away they are. He is hoping that his Knights can find better lands where they can restock their supplies, though they are not in danger yet.
What The PCs Can Do: Players may help the Knights by using their skills to locate water and edible plants, as well as hunt desert animals. Clerics of other Immortals who have the create food spell will find their services in demand.
FELMONT 10, AC 1015: Jaggar Needs More Skyships.
Location: Glantri City, Glantri. OW
Description: Prince Jaggar demands that the Council agree to give him more funding so he can produce the skyships at a quicker pace. He needs to hire more air-magic enchanters.
The Council votes against the motion. The disastrous results with the Griffon prove that they would never be able to built a competent skyship in time to be of any use against the Ethengarians. (See Fe. 6, Fe. 8; Fe. 23, Fe. 26.)
What This Means: Jaggar must find another way to create his skyships; one that is quicker and/or cheaper.
FELMONT 11, AC 1015: Great Migration Diverted?
Location: A few miles north of Pramayama, on the Shajarkand
border, Sind. OW
Description: The Great Migration, which has been running amok
since losing its leadership, is met today by a large force of
goblinoids under the banner of the Master of Hule. Nizam
prepares his hordes to destroy the smaller army, only to be
surprised when an envoy sends word that the Supreme Hool would
like to parlay!
Indeed, the smaller force has the Supreme Hool in their midst,
and they reunite him with his goblinoid hordes. What is more,
they bring word that they know how to help the Great Migration
find their long sought after goal - the Blue Knife! The two
hordes set off to the northwest together. (See Kl. 6, Kl. 26.)
What This Means: After some interrogation by Hulean agents, it
was revealed that the Great Migration sought the Blue Knife.
This artifact has deep religious connotations to goblinoids
across the face of Mystara, and those of Hule in particular - for
they are direct descendants of those goblinoids from Wogar's
horde that remained in Hule after Hosadus revealed the location
of the Blue Knife to them.
After much debate about what to do with the influx of
goblinoids, the Master has finally decided to send a contingent
of his goblinoids to escort them out of Sind - the situation
there is already chaotic enough without the rampaging hordes to
add to the mess. And the Master is a resourceful man; he may yet
find some use for the goblinoids himself.
FELMONT 13, AC 1015: Las Guajacas Attacked.
Location: Las Guajacas, Torreon. SC
Description: A band of mercenaries from Torreon attempt to attack Las Guajacas and eradicate the Afflicted present. The Afflicted manage to defeat the attackers, but only barely. The rampaging group of mercenaries remain in the area until the Baronessa sends armed patrols around Las Guajacas to keep the peace. (See Kl. 22, Fe. 3.)
What This Means: This group of mercenaries wanted to become
local heroes by wiping out the Afflicted in Las Guajacas which no
one dared attack. Needless to say, this group lost their charter
to be a band of mercenaries after this incident. The Baronesa
does not want any harm to come to the Afflicted; she is just
trying to keep them separate from the "normal" peasants to
prevent any further incidents like this one. Since Afflicted
make up over 50% of the population of Torreon, she can't afford
to get rid of them, even if she did want to.
The Afflicted were able to defeat the better armed and trained
mercenaries thanks to their legacies. Most of the attackers,
being unable to afford cinnabryl, keep the Red Curse at bay with
the clerical spell Maintain. With this spell, they cannot use
their Legacy or it breaks the protection given by the priestly
magic. Also, the deformities of the Afflicted causes dread in
many of the attackers, which weakened their morale considerably.
FELMONT 13, AC 1015: A Verdant Paradise.
Location: Southern fringes of the jungles of the Jungle
Coast, Davania. JC
Description: Herr Wulf's Knights have ridden hard the past few days, and have lost some horses in the process. Their efforts have paid off, as they reach the much more amenable lands of the southern jungles and grasslands of the Jungle Coast region, where it meets the western edge of the Aryptian Savannah. The Knights rest for the first time in days, watering their horses, relaxing, gathering fruits, and hunting game. That night, they are attacked by a small group of kara-kara, though they are easily repulsed. (See Kl. 15, Fe. 9; Fy. 13, Fy. 25.)
What This Means: Wulf has managed to ride far enough north that he has not only reached better lands in which to travel; he also has managed to circumvent the Meghales Amosses Desert itself, leaving only the Meghala Kimata Plains to the west.
What The PCs Can Do: The players can help fend off the kara-kara assault, otherwise they are more than welcome to help hunt for game, or to use other resources to bolster the army's supplies.
FELMONT 13, AC 1015: Sea Reavers Found.
Location: Malpheggi Swamp, Darokin. OW
Description: Adventurers taking up the Darokin Council's offer return today with a discovery. They have found the remnants of the Sea Reavers - Hulean pirates that plagued the Dread Sea trade a few years back. The ships are broken and what remains of the bodies indicates monster attacks - apparently the Sea Reavers fell victim to whatever is causing the rise in swamp creature attacks. (See Th. 8, Fe. 1.)
What This Means: The Sea Reavers mysteriously stopped their attacks on trade in the Dread Sea a few years back. Speculation was that they might be behind the recent attacks, but that wouldn't appear to be the case any longer. The Council breathes a sigh of relief, at any rate- that's one less threat they have to worry about.
What The PCs Can Do: If the PCs are adventuring in the Malpheggi Swamps, they can find the remains of the Sea Reavers- perhaps even a few scared and hostile pirates to attack. The Council will certainly offer a reward for any information about these dread pirates.
FELMONT 13, AC 1015: First Clash in the Forest.
Location: Great Forest of Geffron, Denagoth. NW
Description: The Shadow Army finally attacks the Crusaders after some minor raids during the previous days. More than 1000 human soldiers fight against an overwhelming number of elves, but the fierceness and ability of the enemy makes life hard for the elves. After three days of battles the Shadow Army retreats, leaving many dead soldiers behind. It's a victory for the Crusaders, who go on chasing their attackers. (See Fe. 8, Fe. 9; Fy. 1, Fy. 10.)
What This Means: The Shadow Army has showed its real strength or so the elves think. The Elf Generals are satisfied with the outcome of the battle and with their soldiers, but Gilfronden is sincerely worried. He didn't expect to lose so many people (more than 200 elves and 400 enemies have perished) in what should be considered their favorite battleground and he's truly amazed at the toughness and resistance of the enemy. However he agrees with Beasthunter that the elves can count on a superior training and above all on their magic, so the final victory can still be achieved.
What The PCs Can Do: They can obviously participate in the battle trying not to be killed and maybe protecting the most important elves from being assassinated too.
FELMONT 15, AC 1015: Shireton Crowded.
Location: Shireton, Five Shires. OW
Description: With only one month left before the Games, Shireton has almost doubled in population. Many of the nearby villages are also expanding - much to the chagrin of the local populace. (See Kl. 8, Kl. 22; Fy. 1, Fy. 15.)
What This Means: People traveling to the Five Shires will probably have a hard time finding a place to stay.
FELMONT 15, AC 1015: Empires at War.
Location: Thyatis City, Thyatis. OW
Description: A group of adventurers arrive back from the Sea
of Dread today. With them, they bring Favonius Viator, who has
been missing since his expedition to the Thyatian Hinterlands
last year.
Favonius was apparently captured by mermen last year and held
prisoner in their underwater city for the past several months.
He reports that the merrow have a huge undersea Empire and have
declared a war against all land dwellers. It seems that the
Twaelar, as the merrow call themselves, are annoyed by the
constant passing of ships over their waters in the past few years
(due mainly in part to Thyatis' forced colonization of the
Thyatian Hinterlands), and have decided to simply sink all of
them until there are none left.
The Thyatian Senate begin discussing this problem and how best
to solve it. (See Ya. 6, Kl. 14; Fe. 19, Fe. 24.)
What This Means: Thyatis has considered itself the major power
of the sea ever since Alphatia sank. True, both Ierendi and
Minrothad have better ships, but neither nation has as many
troops or resources as the Empire. Thyatis believed that it
could freely go where it pleased and colonize any area.
But now, they are no longer so secure. The entire Twaelar
Empire has set itself against the Thyatian ships, and worst of
all, this enemy have no boats for the legions to sink. Still,
with the Old World nations firmly set in place, Davania remains
the only land to colonize and to expand their territory. The
senate must therefore devise a mean at stopping the mermen.
Senator Viator rewards the adventurers who rescued his second
son. They receive a hefty sum of 25,000 lucins (gp), as promised
last year.
What The PCs Can Do: If they were sent to discover the situation with the mermen, they could be the ones who rescued Favonius. The mermen have an entire army to help defend, so the best method PCs could use would be stealth or subterfuge. In any case, the mermen are not interested in talking with land dwellers, and will attack them on sight.
FELMONT 17, AC 1015: Pride of Gombar Mapped.
Location: Mountainous region to the northeast of Odom, Suma'a.
Description: Geologists believe that they have mapped out sixty percent of the aerial extent of the reef. Most decide to finish the job at this time as there is an increasing demand for geologists in the mines which are still opening up, and enough of the reef has been mapped out to keep activity going for quite some time. (See Fl. 9, Fl. 25.)
FELMONT 18, AC 1015: Peace Proposal in Wendar... for Alfheim.
Location: Wendar City, Wendar. OW
Description: A Shadow Elf ambassador arrives in Wendar with a peace proposal from Princess Tanadaleyo. He tells Doriath that the Radiant Princess wants to save Canolbarth before it's too late and she's offering him the opportunity to rebuild it together, as the first step for a new era of peace between their two races. After some arguing with his advisors, Doriath decides to accept the Princess's offer and fly to Darokin, where the peace meeting will be held, with Brendian Erendyl, Mealidan Mealidil, Shurengyla and a few bodyguards. (See Th. 9, Ya. 27; Fy. 3, Fy. 8.)
What This Means: The offer of the Princess is her last attempt
at saving the dying trees of Canolbarth. After the Alfheimers'
exile, the Shadow Elves have not been able to stop the decaying
of the trees that they themselves had started, and Tanadaleyo has
reasoned that it's better to share Canolbarth alive than to hold
a dead forest. Her intentions are well motivated and there is no
malice in her offer. On his part, Doriath has remained in Wendar
and waited for eight years just for this day, and he will not let
this opportunity go for any reasons.
This peace meeting also has the blessing of the Immortal
patrons of both races. In fact earlier this year Rafiel met
Ilsundal in Pandius, looking for help in saving the forest
because he realized that only Ilsundal could stop the corruption
of the once luxuriant forest. Rafiel told his former enemy that
he went too far and that the spell has become uncontrollable; he
also blamed Atzanteotl both for the destruction of the forest and
the civil war. Ilsundal forgave Rafiel and agreed on helping
him, because he hates Atzanteotl even more than Rafiel and mainly
because he wants his followers to go back to live in Canolbarth
and sees this as a chance to do that peacefully. In the months
following this Immortal meeting both Treekeepers and Shamans
encouraged elves of both races to cooperate with the former enemy
and to put aside any enmity.
However, it is possible that some Alfheim Avengers as well as
some devious Shadow Elves followers of Atzanteotl will take steps
to avoid that peace be signed, probably assassinating some VIPs
during the peace conference.
What The PCs Can Do: They can act as bodyguards for Doriath during the peace conference both if they are elves or if they are humans: it is indeed likely that the DDC (which is in charge of conducting the meetings) will provide both sides with their own personal bodyguards.
FELMONT 19, AC 1015: Thyatis Declares War.
Location: Thyatis City, Thyatis. OW
Description: Emperor Eusebius announces that the Empire is
going to war against the evil mermen of the Sea of Dread. Since
the mermen did not bother trying to contact the Empire before
attacking their ships, neither will Thyatis give them any
A new training program is to begin for the Legionnaires. They
are to learn to fight and survive underwater. (See Kl. 14, Fe.
15; Fe. 24, )
What This Means: Eusebius will not let anything get in the way
of the expansion of Thyatis on Davania. He intends to wipe out
this merrow "empire," believing that Favonius' reports exaggerate
their numbers and abilities.
The Imperial Naval Academy immediately begins working on
underwater tactics. They invite renown professors from their
rival, the Naval Academy of Ierendi, to help them with their
planning. This invitation stems mostly from the fact that the
Ierendians are very closely allied with the merrow living around
their islands, and who better to ask about underwater combat than
other merrow.
FELMONT 23, AC 1015: Montgolfire?
Location: Les Hiboux, Glantri. OW
Description: Prince Jaggar and several experts on skyships
arrive in Les Hiboux to watch a Jean-Louis Montgolfier float
through the air in a basket under a large balloon. While
searching for a method on making better skyships, they had heard
rumors about this flying magical item from students at the Great
School of Magic who came from the area.
After a while, the group gets tired of waiting for Jean-Louis
to land, so they all fly up to meet him in his balloon. Jaggar
asks him what type of magic he used to create this object, and is
shocked to learn that absolutely no magic is involved. In fact,
Jean-Louis isn't even a mage. He states that hot air is lighter
than cold air, and by heating the air inside the balloon, it will
rise up and float away with the wind. This is apparently
something an ancestor of his discovered back on Laterre (the
d'Ambrevilles' home world). All that is needed is fuel for the
fire, and a good wind.
Jaggar and the skyship enchanters teleport back to Glantri
City and immediately begin experimenting with the concept. (See
Fe. 6, Fe. 10; Fe. 26, Fy. 1.)
FELMONT 23, AC 1015: Pit Tunnel Collapses.
Location: Aegos, Alatian Islands. AS
Description: A whole section of a tunnel used to try and
reopen the pit of Aegos collapses, killing two of the dwarf
workers. Since there was no earthquake, and the tunnel was
dwarves' work, the dwarves again suspect a Thyatian sabotage.
They send word back to Fortress Island asking for more dwarves
and their axes to protect the work teams.
After an investigation, three Minrothad guards are found dead,
having been killed by intruders. (See Th. 4, Ya. 8; Ei. 10.)
What This Means: In fact, the Thyatians are not responsible this time. Spies sent by Baron Norlan of Qeodhar sabotaged the tunnel. Their goal was to slow the work (because Norlan doesn't want a direct method of communication and traveling to Alphatia) and to let the Thyatians be suspected (so as to increase tension between the dwarves and the Thyatians and hence slow the process even more). Except for the three guards that spotted them, and who were subsequently taken care of, they were totally successful.
FELMONT 24, AC 1015: Magical Experts Sought.
Location: Krakatos, Karameikos. OW
Description: Grand Master Terari of the School of Magecraft of Karameikos announces that King Stefan has granted them permission to create magical items to allow underwater breathing and movement for the Thyatians. Any expert in the water magic will be offered a position at the faculty if they desire to apply. The Empire of Thyatis is to fund all research into water-related magic. (See Fe. 15, Fe. 19.)
What This Means: Although the Thyatians are fully capable of
plotting and discovering underwater tactics and maneuvers, they
cannot solve the problem on how to get their troops underwater.
They need magic for that.
For underwater magic, everyone knows the experts would be at
Zyndryl University in Aquas. Unfortunately, Eusebius still does
not trust the NACE, especially since they've been fighting the
past few years on the Isle of Dawn. His next choice would have
been the Great School of Magic in Glantri, but that nation is
facing its own problems with the Ethengarians. This left him
with the School of Magecraft.
Terari is pleased with the offer. The Glantrian Great School
of Magic has many specialties - one for each school of magic -
while the School of Magecraft is still only teaching basic magic.
Recently, their joint effort with Aeria has given them better
knowledge of air magic and skyship enchantments. Now this
current project will create another specialization in water
magic. It looks like the School of Magecraft will continue to
grow and prosper.
FELMONT 26, AC 1015: Jennites Receive Arms.
Location: Forests of Verdan, Esterhold Peninsula. AS
Description: The Jennite rebels receive supplies, including many steel weapons, and even some magical ones, which they pay with the treasure they took with them while fleeing the residence of the governor. (See Ya. 5, Ya. 9; Fy. 3, Fy. 9.)
What This Means: The Jennites had plundered the palace for that very purpose. Weapons come from unscrupulous merchants and smugglers from the rest of the Esterhold Peninsula, from Minaea, and from Qeodhar. Qeodharian spies have been actively seeking weapons to smuggle to the Jennite rebellion because Baron Norlan would like the state of anarchy to last or even worsen to a civil war, as it would only prove the unworthiness of democracy and diminish the power and prestige of Favian Vern and of the Council. Some spies go as far as training the rebels with their new weapons and teaching them guerrilla warfare.
FELMONT 26, AC 1015: Glenmoorloch Plundered.
Location: Glenmoorloch, Klantyre, Glantri. OW
Description: Moglai Khan finally succeeds and breaching the defenses of the city of Glenmoorloch. His horse warriors rampage throughout the town, killing all men of young adult age or older. Any gold they can find is also plundered. (See Fe. 10, Fe. 23; Fy. 1, Fy. 4.)
What This Means: The Ethengarians are on their way to Glantri City.
What The PCs Can Do: Perhaps they are the ones who came up with the plan on how to enter the city for the Golden Khan. On the other hand, if Glantrians, they can be the ones who turn back the invasion and actually stop the Ethengarians from conquering the principality. Either way, Moglai will believe that now is the time to move on toward Glantri City.