FLAURMONT 3, AC 1015: Remodeling Required.
Location: Shireton, Five Shires. OW
Description: Remodeling begins on the Clanmeet Hall with the purpose of enlarging its capacity. Prices of building materials skyrocket throughout Seashire as new buildings are erected and old ones refurbished in preparation for the World Games. (See Nu. 10, Va. 20; Ya. 12, Kl. 8.)
FLAURMONT 3, AC 1015: Heldannic Warbird.
Location: Hockstein, Heldannic Territories. OW
Description: A Heldannic Warbird appears in the sky over the
city of Hockstein. Sir Geoffrey believes the Heldannic Knights
have regained their magic, so is about to announce the city's
surrender in the hopes of sparing the most lives. Before the
gates open, however, the Warbird begins bombarding the Heldannic
Knights. The Knight break their siege to avoid being decimated
by the Warbird.
The Heldanners cheer as the skyship lands within the city.
(See Th. 20, Th. 25; Fl. 20, Kl. 5.)
What This Means: Reinhard Madelhari, the traitorous [according
to the Heldannic Knights. Ed.] priest of Vanya who stole a
Warbird and slew several Heldannic Knights a couple of years ago,
has arrived and intends to help the people of Heldann regain
their freedom.
Sir Geoffrey is only too pleased to accept the help of the
former Heldannic Knight. With his knowledge on the Knights'
tactics, the defendant should be able to hold their own. Even
more importantly, with the help of a skyship, Sir Geoffrey is
able to bring in food to the starving people of Hockstein.
FLAURMONT 3, AC 1015: Hool Abandons Allies.
Location: Monkey Tribe village, Atruaghin Territories. OW
Description: After days of fighting with a massive Tiger Clan army, Hool's Great Migration begins to pull out today, abandoning their Atruaghin allies to the opposition. Even though the Tiger Clan army has split (sending a portion to deal with Atruaghin attacks on the village of the Parrot Tribe to the north), they are still a larger force, and should be able to retake their village. (See Th. 17, Th. 26; Ya. 19, Kl. 2.)
What This Means: Hool has become convinced, after interrogating many Tiger Clan priests, that the Blue Knife is not here. Unfortunately, he has no idea where it is. Rather than continue with a pointless battle, though, he will preserve his people and retreat until he can figure out his next move.
FLAURMONT 4, AC 1015: Land Sighted!
Location: North of the Yasuko Tribal Lands, Davania. JC
Description: Land is sighted for the first time since the Pearl Islands were bypassed. Herr Wulf's party lands on the shores here for a few hours' rest, and to gather some supplies, and then boards again - heading east along the coast. (See Va. 11, Th. 14; Fl. 22, Ya. 10.)
What This Means: Herr Wulf's party have successfully sailed to Davania, and now must only hug the coast towards the east in order to reach Vanya's Rest.
What The PCs Can Do: Players who are present may help the crew gather fruits and nuts to bolster existing supplies, or possibly do some hunting. There is always a chance that the Yasuko tribesmen might be encountered, though resourceful players should be able to avoid a conflict, and they might even be able to trade with them.
FLAURMONT 4, AC 1015: The Shadowlord Has Returned.
Location: Guardian Mesa, unknown location on Mystara.
Description: The Shadowlord returns to the Prime Plane after his foray into one of the Seven Realms: he has managed to acquire one of the seven magical keys. However, since two-thirds of his entourage have been exterminated and he himself needs to recover after a tough battle, he returns to Drax Tallen with the rest of his followers. (See Th. 25; Fl. 19.)
What This Means: The Shadowlord realizes that it will not be an easy task to retrieve all the keys he needs to open the Carnifex's Prison. He is not powerful enough to battle against all the Guardians of the Realms, so he has decided to return home and devise a better, safer plan that will lead him to retrieve the Black Staff.
FLAURMONT 5, AC 1015: Raid Near Hobart.
Location: Fort Hobart, Darokin. OW
Description: A goblinoid raiding party shows up unexpectedly near Fort Hobart today. They provide little more than a distraction for the troops there, who manage to quickly drive them off. Little do they suspect that this is but the first of many such raids that will happen on and off over the next few months. They will never pose any real threat, just harass the troops. (See Va. 4; Am. 15.)
What This Means: This is the first step in Alebane's plans to invade Rockhome. The Darokin Tunnel is too close to Fort Hobart for him to be able to march his army straight in - they would be torn to pieces by the Darokinian troops. In conjunction with General Tlatepetl, Alebane has arranged for goblinoid forces to distract the troops while he sneaks small portions of his army to the tunnel. Tlatepetl was more than eager to provide his assistance to Alebane - since he plans on annexing the ogre's territory once he is off on his fool's errand in Rockhome.
FLAURMONT 7, AC 1015: Navies Clash.
Location: Just off the Ostland shores. OW
Description: The first skirmishes between Cnute clan navies and Ostman forces take place miles outside of Kalslo island. The Ostman navy is more well-equipped than formerly believed, and is bolstered by numerous mercenary ships. Still greatly outnumbered, the Cnute forces seem to have the upper hand. Suddenly, a flock of white dragons appears in the skies and wreaks havoc among Cnute clan ships. The Cnutes are forced into retreat. (See Nu. 1, Th. 15; Ya. 18, Am. 6.)
What This Means: The Ostman clans have revealed their trump card - the dragonship of Oberack the Wizard-Pirate. An Ostman clan supporter, Oberack has been aiding his people for years with funds he has stolen from raids on the mainlands. Even with his magic and mercenaries hired with pirated money, it will still be a tough battle against Cnute clan forces.
FLAURMONT 9, AC 1015: Platinum Reef Found.
Location: Mountainous region to the northeast of Odom, Suma'a
Description: Geologists still hard at work finally found what they've been searching for. A large platinum reef [another term for ore deposit for those who aren't geologists. Ed.] is first discovered to the northeast of Odom this morning. The reef is given the name The Pride of Gombar by one of the geologists working on it. News of the find travels fast. (See Nu. 23, Th. 22; Fl. 11, Fl. 25, Fe. 17.)
FLAURMONT 9, AC 1015: Ethengarians Attack!
Location: Bramyra and Tchernovodsk, Glantri. OW
Description: Several months since the Golden Khan declared war, last year,
the Ethengarian Horde pours over the Glantrian border today,
besieging Fort Tchernovodsk at the borders of Boldavia. A small
fraction of the horde also proceeds to invade the Principality of
Prince Urmahid Krinagar was expecting the invasion, and his
soldiers are prepared for the attack. Several units of Glantrian
war-mages, sent here by Jaggar at the end of last year, give the
Prince's men excellent magical backup. Still, the number of
Ethengarians is overwhelming, and the defenders are barely able
to hold on to the City of Bramyra. (See Va. 7; Fl. 13, Fl. 15).
What This Means: The Glantrians caused quite a commotion last year in the Ethengar Steppes, hoping to start a war between the Heldannic Knights and the Ethengarians. Unfortunately, Moglai Khan discovered the Glantrians' secret involvement and stopped the war before it could start. With Glantri's treachery revealed, the Ethengarians have declared a holy war against the devil-mages of Glantri. This is the day that the Golden Khan has decided to strike.
Although Glantri has had about a year to prepare for the
attack, they are well aware that Bramyra will fall.
Traditionally, the Ethengarians are only stopped once they reach
the mountains and their horse-warriors are no longer effective.
Prince Urmahid Krinagar has evacuated most of those unable to
fight during the past few months, as well as safely hiding object
he did not want the Ethengarians to get their hands on.
Fort Tchernovodks, near the border of Boldavia, is a lot
better defended, but it is will probably be facing a much larger
force of Ethengarians. Jaggar believes they will be able to hold
off the horde, but the other princes aren't as enthusiastic.
FLAURMONT 10, AC 1015: Issarthyl-Atacalpa Tunnel Completed.
Location: Underground tunnel between Issarthyl,
Schattenalfheim and Atacalpa, Azcan Lands. HW
Description: Tunneler mages meet today at the half-way point between Issarthyl and Atacalpa, having tunnelled almost non-stop for the past two months from each end. The tunnel is joined up seamlessly, but the work is not quite over for the exhausted mages. They spend all the time they have between now and the departure of the armies smoothing the tunnel and removing left-over obstructions in order to make it as good as possible for marching troops.
What This Means: Now that the tunnel is complete, there is a direct link between the Schattenalfen and the Outer World. All that remains to be done is to connect this tunnel to the Shadow Elf lands, but this will be delayed for as long as possible in order to keep the element of surprise.
FLAURMONT 11, AC 1015: Population of Odom Skyrockets.
Location: Odom, Suma'a. SC
Description: By the ends of today the population of Odom has increased by over a tenfold. Now that news of an actual discovery has leaked everyone who wasn't already engaged in something, and some who were, are making their way to Odom to cash in on the first significant mineral find since the gold mines of Malabar in AC 1000. (See Fl. 9.)
FLAURMONT 12, AC 1015: Freedom Warriors Carry On.
Location: Mahasabad, Nagpuri, Sind. OW
Description: For the past few months, the assemblage of
Freedom Warriors and Followers of Gareth have been waging
guerrilla warfare against the Hulean forces remaining in the
mumlyket of Nagpuri. They have steadily been building their
following as well, and today they come forth in their first major
public battle, squaring off against the small army of Huleans
left in the city of Mahasabad. The Huleans are routed before
reinforcements can arrive from Gunjab, and Rajah Salmalin Kalkiin
thanks the freedom fighters, and offers his assistance in their
There is much rejoicing as the Followers of Gareth are
praised; the Rishiyas are displeased with this. (See Fl. 19, Ya.
What This Means: For the past year, the joint forces have been
waging steady war against the Master's armies in the north, and
now the mumlyket of Nagpuri is liberated. There has been growing
dissension amongst the Freedom Warriors, who have become
increasingly associated with Gareth.
The Rishiyas and Himayas of Sind are not happy with this, as
they see Gareth's teachings as a threat to their religion and
cultural system.
FLAURMONT 12, AC 1015: Darokin To The Rescue!
Location: Atruaghin Territories. OW
Description: Tiger Clan forces have Atruaghin forces on the run, following the retreat of bolstering goblinoid forces. Just when things look their bleakest, however, Darokin forces - both national forces as well as the local Borderlands regions (notably Tenobar) show up to turn the tide. Many men of Darokin seek revenge for the Tiger Clan raids of Last Year. (See Th. 26, Fl. 3; Ya. 20.)
FLAURMONT 13, AC 1015: Bramyra and Tchernovodsk Fall.
Location: Glantri. OW
Description: The Ethengarians finally manage to defeat the
last defenders of Bramyra. They begin plundering as much as they
can from both the town and the rest of the principality. The
vast herds of sheep and horses, the main source of income of
Bramyra, are all plundered and brought back into the steppes of
Ethengar as spoils.
Messengers report that Fort Tchernovodsk also fell to the
mighty Ethengarians yesterday. (See Va. 7, Fl. 9; Fl. 15, Fl.
What This Means: Everyone expected Bramyra to fall easily, and
it did. Still, Prince Urmahid Krinagar did manage to slow them
down an entire four days, which has given the fortress and keeps
along the mountain passes and the Ethengar-Glantri border plenty
of time to prepare all their defenses.
Prince Urmahid Krinagar is now back in Glantri City with his
wives, having teleported out when the town finally fell. The
easy conquest of Tchernovodks is somewhat of a surprise. Jaggar
orders the production of his skyships to double its speed. He
needs the warships NOW!
FLAURMONT 14, AC 1015: Atzanteotl's Assassins Depart.
Location: Issarthyl, Schattenalfheim. HW
Description: The huge schattenalfen army, called "Atzanteotl's
Assassins," which includes several squadrons of flapsails,
departs today from Issarthyl. Taking the newly completed tunnel
to Atacalpa, they will soon begin heading up through
the Worldshield toward the Shadowelves' Kingdom. It will be a
long journey.
Work is not over for the mages who created the tunnel, as they
accompany the army up through the tunnel - the Schattenalfen need
all the magic-users they can get to balance the Shadow Elves'
advantage in that area. Additionally, the tunnelers will be
needed once more to connect the annelid tunnel to the Shadow
Elves' tunnels. (See Va. 12, Fl. 10; Ei. 24.)
What This Means: A few months ago Schattenalfen spies reported to Queen Catriata that they had found the long lost City of Aengmor. Soon after that Catriata and her generals, with Atzanteotl's encouragement, decided to attack the shadow elves and reclaim their rightfully owned city, so they started preparing this impressive military force. They are now ready to attack the shadowelves, but first they've to get there crossing through over a thousand miles of rock.
FLAURMONT 15, AC 1015: The Horde Splits Up.
Location: Bramyra, Glantri. OW
Description: Moglai, the Golden Khan of Ethengar, orders his vast horde to split in two. About one third of the warriors are to try and make it through the mountain passes of Bramyra and go straight to Glantri City. The rest are to follow him around the mountains, passing through Boldavia and several other principalities. (See Fl. 9, Fl. 13; Fl. 17, Fl. 20.)
What This Means: Moglai has given his men a couple of days to
plunder Bramyra and enjoy their easy victory. Now it's time for
the real battles. His goal is to destroy Glantri City, so he's
sending several of his warriors straight through the mountains to
get at it. But Moglai knows that they don't really have a
chance, as Ethengarians are the people of the plains, not
He therefore intends to lead the bulk of his forces all the
way around, even if it means he has to pass through the majority
of the Glantrian nation to do so. This route will be a lot more
time consuming and bloody, but probably has a better chance of
What The PCs Can Do: Regardless of which side the PCs are on, they have plenty of war-time adventure opportunities, such as scouting, spying, sabotage, assassinations, and so on that they can get involved in. If they're high ranking members of their society, they can even be the ones in charge, making the war plans and advising their leaders on the best course of action.
FLAURMONT 17, AC 1015: Blocked at the Pass.
Location: Skullhorn Pass Camp, Glantri. OW
Description: The Ethengarian forces trying to break through the mountain passes arrive at Skullhorn Pass Camp. The Glantrians, under the able command of Sir Duncan McGregor, put up an effective defense, preventing the horde from advancing on to the capital. (See Fl. 13, Fl. 15; Fl. 20, Fl. 23.)
FLAURMONT 19, AC 1015: Huleans Attacked.
Location: Village of Sindri, Jhengal, Sind. OW
Description: A small force of Huleans encamped near the city is joined in battle and defeated by members of the Sindhi underground today, helped by rebels from the rajahstan of Jaibul. (See Fl. 12; Ya. 4, Kl. 5.)
What This Means: This is the first of many such attacks that will come in the future, directed at the Hulean forces remaining in Sind. It was prompted in large part by the success of the Freedom Warriors and Followers of Gareth in Nagpuri.
FLAURMONT 19, AC 1015: Taken Prisoner.
Location: Drax Tallen, Denagoth. NW
Description: The elven explorers have finally located Drax Tallen. Some Grunalfs are able to infiltrate behind the enemy lines and get a glimpse at the dreaded citadel, a fortified keep that has been rebuilt on the site of an old city in the middle of the forest. The infiltrates, through the use of magic, camouflage tactics and wits, are able to get rough information about the enemy's strength and plans, and they also discover that a hundred of elves are held prisoners in the dungeons below the keep. After a desperate stealth mission to rescue them, they are caught and imprisoned as well. Only a handful manage to escape and flee southward to report the situation to their leaders in Wendar. Goblinoid forces pursue them all they way back to the border. (See Va. 13, Th. 13, Fl. 4; Ya. 22, Ya. 27.)
What This Means: The explorers' mission has come to its end. They have discovered that the Shadowlord exists, that he is in control of Geffron and Lothenar (and possibly of the rest of the Denagothian Plateau) and that he is responsible for the extermination of the elves that once lived there. Unfortunately, while trying to rescue the last survivors, they have fallen into a trap and have been captured. The Shadowlord has purposefully let some of them escape to warn their leaders, because he wants to attract the Alfheimers and the Genalleth elves into his own territory. This is just the spark that will ignite the powder keg of his grand plan.
What The PCs Can Do: If they are members of the expedition, they can participate in the exploration of Drax Tallen under stealth and in the rescue mission. No matter how well they will fight, this is a no-win situation: the elves will be caught but they can be those lucky fellows that are allowed to escape.
FLAURMONT 19, AC 1015: Citizens Devoured.
Location: Ionace, NACE. AS
Description: A monster raid at the fringes of Ionace causes
the death of two Alphatians.
Commander Broderick recalls some of his troops from Aquas and
Bellissaria to Ionace, and makes a call to adventurers and
mercenaries to help in clearing Ionace from its most dangerous
denizens. There is a bounty on each monster eliminated, with
amounts varying according to the exact monster.
What This Means: The Council knew the region was infested with
monsters when they decided to choose Ionace as the new capital
for the Confederacy, but the city of Sanctuary only suffered from
occasional raids at the time. The monsters have become more
aggressive lately, devouring citizens and even sometimes
organizing daring raids on armed patrols, thus prompting a firm
reaction from Broderick.
Baron Norlan is behind the increased attacks, as his agents
have been encouraging the numerous monsters that inhabit the isle
to raid the humans. They either told them the humans were bound
to eradicating them, or simply promised them gold and food to be
gained easily.
What The PCs Can Do: Become a bounty hunter!
FLAURMONT 20, AC 1015: The Spark of Rebellion.
Location: Heldannic Territories. OW and NW
Description: Inspired by the successful revolt still going on in Hockstein, several other communities declare their independence from the Heldannic Knights. (See Th. 25, Fl. 3; Kl. 5, Kl. 10.)
What This Means: The Heldannic Knights have lost a lot of their prestige and admiration over the years. Now that they've lost their spells, apparently permanently, others are no longer afraid to renounces their leadership.
The towns within the Heldann Freeholds are too close to the
Heldannic capital to try such a coup, but the territories farther
from Freiburg aren't so restricted. Many of the nobles of
Norwold who surrendered to the invading Heldannic Knights now
once more reclaim their independence. The minor baronies and
counties throughout the mountains and forests easily succeed.
The larger communities of Landfall, Oceansend, and Forton,
which also have full contingents of Knights within their walls,
have yet to try separating.
FLAURMONT 20, AC 1015: Boldavia Besieged.
Location: Boldavia, Glantri. OW
Description: Moglai Khan leads his forces into the principality of Boldavia. Along the border, the horsemen encounter several units of Glantrian and Boldavian forces. After several long battles, the Ethengarians get the upper hand, and the Glantrians are forced back into the principality. (See Fl. 15, Fl. 17; Fl. 23, Ya. 4.)
FLAURMONT 20, AC 1015: Deimos Unleashes His Army.
Location: Corunglain, Darokin. OW
Description: Several bands of a dozen goblinoids pop up throughout the city of Corunglain, raiding and pillaging everything they can get their hands on. By the time the city defenders get organized and begin closing in on the intruders, the goblinoids quickly duck back into the sewer system from which they came. (See Ya. 1, Ya. 10.)
What This Means: Having now amassed a large enough horde of
goblinoids under his command, Deimos has given the order for them
to invade Darokin. With Darokin's forces occupied both in
Atruaghin and in Selenica (both because of the raids at Fort
Hobart and the fear of invasion from the now hostile Ylaruam),
the timing could not be better.
His shadow elf generals lead the horde through underground
caverns all the way to the city of Corunglain. There, they cast
their tunnel shaping magic to open a path into the sewers of the
human city.
The goblinoids have now turned the human sewers into their
stronghold and will perform surprise hit-and-run tactics for the
next several weeks. Unfortunately for the Darokinian Legions,
they will be unable to fight the goblinoids head-on in the
sewers. Their only solution so far is to increase patrols in the
city streets and hope to catch each goblin incursion.
Deimos is a lich who is working for/with Synn. His tower
within the Broken Lands, called Sable Tower, has been the
gathering point of all goblinoids that have survived the arrival
of the shadow elves (and Aengmor) into his own horde of minions.
The goblinoids were happy to find a leader to protect them from
the elves. Now that his army was large enough, Deimos is only
following Synn's wishes to cause chaos in Darokin by sending them
into Corunglain. His generals are rogue/traitor shadow elves
that are allied with Synn instead of their own people. [This is
the background for the arcade adventure "D&D: Tower of Doom."]
What The PCs Can Do: The best they can do is help patrol the streets and reduce the damage that goblinoid raiding parties might cause. Particularly foolhardy PCs might want to go straight down into the sewers and take care of the problem themselves. This will likely result in their deaths as they will be vastly outnumbered, and the shadow elves can easily bring the walls down around them with their magic.
FLAURMONT 21, AC 1015: La Baronia de Entroza.
Location: North of Saragon, along Rio Maldito. SC
Description: Senor Filipe Entroza, with a band of mercenaries, declares himself el baron of the land north of Saragon along the Rio Maldito which he calls la Baronia de Entroza. He renames a small village at the fork in the river to Ciudad Nacional (the National City).
What This Means: The other barons do not recognize Entroza's
title, but most watch anyway to see if this new "baron" can
actually turn the small grassland villages into a Barony.
Saragon and Gargona encourage the bold adventurer, while Narvaez
declares various blasphemies and breaking of laws. The other
baronies are mostly neutral.
Whether Filipe Entroza manages to succeed or not is up to the
DM, but it is highly unlikely that the other baronies will
recognize the claim to the land until he can hold it for at least
5 years.
What The PCs Can Do: Any PC who helps him out could earn a position of nobility within the new barony, assuming it survives.
FLAURMONT 22, AC 1015: Aryptian Savannah Nears.
Location: North of the Northern Aryptian Savannah, Davania.
Description: The winds and currents have been favorable for the ship, and Herr Wulf is making good time. One of the crew notices a telltale thinning of the trees along the Jungle Coast, and before long this gives way to scattered hills and grasslands - the beginning of the Northern Aryptian Savannah. Supplies are also beginning to run low. (See Th. 14, Fl. 4; Ya. 10, Ya. 11.)
What This Means: Herr Wulf's party has passed the Jungle Coast, and is now north of the plains on far eastern Davania, near the Isle of Cestia. Vanya's Rest is not far now.
FLAURMONT 23, AC 1015: The Not-Quite Alive Army.
Location: Boldavia, Glantri. OW
Description: The Ethengarian horde encounters an army moving slowly toward them. There appears to be no leader or tactics involved, just soldiers moving without pause or fear toward the horse warriors. Soon enough, the scouts report what Moglai feared: it's an army of zombies and skeletons. Still, Moglain refuses to turn around. The Ethengarians charge the undead. (See Fl. 17, Fl. 20; Ya. 4, Ya. 18.)
What This Means: Moglai knew, thanks to spies and scouts over
the past several years, that Boldavia would have forces of undead
ready for its defense. He fears them simply because his forces
have no special defense against them. Mages and warriors, they
can handle, but tireless and fearless undead are another thing.
True, his people are very religious, but unfortunately, clerics
are far and few in between; most of the clans have shamans
instead, and the shamans have no power over the un-living. To
the Great Khan, this is the real battle that will determine the
fate of Glantri.
What The PCs Can Do: This is where the large part of the battle for Glantri will take place, and anyone desiring to make themselves war heroes should probably take part of it.
FLAURMONT 25, AC 1015: First Load of Platinum Sold.
Location: Mining Exchange, Emdur, Gombar. SC
Description: Today at the Mining Exchange in Emdur the major component of the first ton of mined material is sold, 45 grams of platinum. This unexpectedly high amount raises a lot of interest in people who have thus far remained skeptical. (See Fl. 9; Fe. 17.)
FLAURMONT 28, AC 1015: Super-Hard-Ball Final.
Location: Ionace, NACE. AS
Description: The Hard-Ball stadium in Ionace is crowded today
despite the increase in monster raids on the island lately. The
final is held between the Aquas Seahawks, last year's winner, and
the Esterhold Jens, a team made up entirely of freed Jennite ex-
slaves from Verdan. Each time they score a goal, the Jens make
some steps of their tribal dance, which greatly irritates their
opponents, who in turn improvise some steps when they score.
After a hard, disputed match, the Seahawks prevail again.
(See Va. 1.)
What This Means: The Jennites from Verdan are more xenophobic than ever, and their Hard-Ball team is no exception. They show their distinct cultural heritage by performing tribal dances.
This letter was written by Aladshair McCallum, who, although never visiting the front himself, has interviewed many of the wounded returned to Glantri City for details as to what is happening in the war zones. It is a day that most people of Glantri have always feared. The day when the barbaric warriors of the steppes mount their horses and ride into out wonderful nation intent on slaying every last women and child. Everyone in Glantri has grown up with these stories, and all know the grizzly deaths suffered by the peasants during previous invasions of the Ethengarians throughout our history. Of course, if one takes a close look at our history, the Ethengarians never made it pass the Colossus Mounts, and only soldiers defending our land were killed. One wonders where these stories truly come from.
This time, things are different. First of all, there are many settlements on the other side of the Colussus Mounts - settlements that have been plundered by these horse warriors. Bramyra, one of our newest principalities has been all but destroyed, and Boldavia is now facing the full brunt of the invasion. Will the rest of Glantri suffer a similar fate? According to Prince Jaggar, not a chance. There are only two ways for the Ethengarians to reach Glantri City. The first is through Skullhorn Pass, where they don't stand a chance, and the second is by going through Boldavia, Klantyre, and Krondahar, which will severely deplete their forces.
Skullhorn Pass is indeed very well defended. First, the horse warriors must get by Skullhorn keep. This, unfortunately, they have managed to do when they conquered Bramyra. The real challenge comes when they arrive at Skullhorn Pass Camp.
Skullhorn Pass Camp is located midway through the mountain pass, near the base of Mount Skullhorn, an active volcano that almost continuously releases a plume of hot ash into the air. The camp itself is about 100 feet above the pass, allowing them to rain down arrows and ballistae bolts with ease on the encroaching horse warriors. They greatest defense of the camp, however, comes from Mount Skullhorn itself.
A secondary caldera of the volcano is located just near the camp. This "volcano crater" is filled with water from the runoffs of the mount, forming a lake. A very small plume of ash is released by a small vent in the center of this lake which looks like a mini-volcano island right in the middle. Unlike the major caldera, there isn't enough pressure or force at this vent to send the ash up into the sky. The extremely hot ash therefore falls back down and lands into the lake. The constant mix of this ash into the water gives the lake the consistency of boiling mud. Wizards regularly empty this mud to prevent it from filling up the crater and destroying the lake.
Now, the advantage from this is that engineers have created a dam on the side of the lake that overlooks the mountain pass. I heard that when the Ethengarians charged the pass down below, Sir Duncan McGregor, the military commander of Skullhorn Pass Camp, gave the order to open the damn. The boiling mud came crashing down the slopes and burned the horse warriors to death. Their screams were apparently horrible until the mud buried them and silenced them forever. The Ethengarians lost over half their men in that one stroke.
In Boldavia, I have not heard as much information as the soldiers stay away from the battle. It appears that hordes of skeletons and zombies are roaming the land, slaying every Ethengarian they encounter. Glantrian soldiers stay as far back as possible from this carnage for fear that the undead might turn on them.
I find this turn of event particularly interesting. The Traladarans have always claimed that Boldavia was a haven for undead, yet Prince Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany always denied the accusations and dared adventurers to find these rumored undead. I wonder what he'll have to say now that the only reason his principality hasn't been destroyed is because of the horde upon horde of undead holding back the enemy?