Welcome to Mystara Online, your source for converting modules from other worlds, or from Dungeon adventures magazine and bringing them into mystara, whether it's in the Savage Frontier or the Known World, we got you covered from Spearpoint in the Kingdom of Surshield, Island of Bellisaria, to Dogon, Kingdom of Gombar on the Western central side of the Arm of the immortal, from the Meghala Kimata Plains to Alpha in Norwold we'll find a place for your module to your liking, right now we have just finished selecting places for you to play the Monsterous Arcana Trilogies, starting with the Beholder Trilogy and i've just completed working The Monsterous Arcana Trilogies ever made enjoy.
This Link will take you to my Monsterous Arcana where you'll receive AD&D conversion as to where to put certain locale for the Arcana module Trilogy whether you wish to sub Luln for Cumbert, or Orlin Isle for Angler's Isle we got the Place for you. This is the place to go, Right Now the beholder and Shark-kin/Sahuagin and Finally the Illitiad are completed.
This page is now open. This page is where Dungeon adventure modules, and many other
modules from the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk will be transplanted to Mystara at an area near your party.
Will be updated for you, fellow travelers of this great realm. For Thaumont, the
first adaption will be "Rod of Seven Parts" , in which the deluxe module will be
made into four parts based on your preference, also look for Dragon 246 which now
feature for the first time in over a year, a Mystara Article on the Rakasta of the
Known World as well as the rest of Mystara, Bruce Heard has informed me that his next
article will feature the Tortle of the Known World.
Congratulations go out to Diego Caguli for being the 500th visitor to the site on
May 11th of this year. thanks alot folk, its people like you that makes me feal appreciated.
And i'll be working hard whenever i got the time to update this webpage as much as often.
I have completed work on setting up the MML AC 1015 Almanac webpage, you'll see now links pop up to tell you how far i've gotten so far, in converting my E-mail to the MML Almanac
Many have visited this temple
Sign my guestbook if you have any comments on my webpage or how to improve it? as of July 15th of 1998, i have signed up with CDNOW, if you wish to visit or search for any Music CD that you wish to order go to this link which will take you to the search engine if you wish to look for a certain title or group. Added to the Mystara Online website, is the Mystara Online Message Board, this is to serve as a message for member of the MML, and MMB, with having to flood my email account, go there and leave any Mystara Question that i can answer for you. Have fun, updates will be coming soon